r.MotionVectorSimulation 1 should simulate motion vectors when cutting cameras, but this appears to be broken on some loops. ...
Packed level actors may not be updated after changing certain properties. Workaround: reload the level containing the PLA. ...
UDN Issue: [Link Removed] ...
Lock Viewport to Camera Cuts of CameraCutTrack stopped working from version 5.4 during PIE's simulation. This is a regression from 5.3 behavior where the lock remains when simulating. Locking to ind ...
On EnhancedInputSubsystemInterface.cpp:1040, RebuildControlMappings has a check to preserve mappings for identical action key maps. In most cases, this appears to work correctly; however, in the cas ...
See linked UDN for more information. ...
When the user attempts to place an object on a tracked plane it slides around the environment not staying in the expected place. Using the ARDebugcheck project with the show planes option you can se ...