USplineMeshComponent::CalcBounds function should be returning an FBoxSphereBounds type, but in the implementation it instead outputs an FBox. This may result in the returning of invalid results, esp ...
This was found by a customer through a UDN, and they offered the fix for it, as well. The basic steps to reproduce the crash are as follows:call GEditor->SetPropertyColorationTarget(...) somewhere i ...
When references to Gameplay Tags are loaded, it checks to see if they are already registered. If they are not already registered, it will notice it is invalid and may print a warning depending on th ...
In levels where "WorldPartitionRuntimeHashSet" is specified as the runtime hash class, the world partition may not be correctly visible only in the package. This issue is reproduced only in packaged ...
In sequencer, an "event track" can be added to call functions/events defined in the Sequence Director Blueprint. The parameters for those endpoint functions/events can be sent as a Payload associate ...
When reloading the editor and a level where a sequence has a dynamic binding with a soft object ptr parameter to an actor in the same level, the director blueprint will recompile on load of the leve ...
When attempting to change the option for Two-Sided Material for a Material Instance, the option is initially greyed out and you cannot change the value. However, if you close out of the Material Ins ...
In Unreal Engine version 5.4, all Physics Linear Velocity functions inside PrimitiveComponent class are returning always a velocity of (0,0,0), even if the Body Instances are moving. This was workin ...