If an actor has 'Simulate physics' enabled and the Collision Enabled field is set to anything other than Collision Enabled (i.e. OverlapAll sets this to No Physics Collision) then mass is reset to 1 ...
Games sounds will play as appropriate during first PIE session but subsequent PIE sessions have no sound until editor is closed / reopened. ...
Ctrl+z being used within the blueprint editor does not respond. If you translate a cube around the viewport and press ctrl+z, the cube does not revert back to the original location. ...
Calling functions that have an implicit WorldContextObject parameter (line trace, execute console command, etc) in a Blueprint function library will give a compile error about a missing __WorldConte ...
For 4.8, we moved LinuxNativeDialogs, a third-party library, to a different location (and also changed its API somewhat, so the old library is binary incompatible). However, some users apparently a ...
When you move a cube around the viewport and then enter 0 within the location, rotation or scale xyz input, the cube does not reset. 4.8 regression range: BROKEN: CL-2549132 WORKING: CL-2548694 ...
Local variables do not appear in the context menu inside collapsed graphs. They can still be dragged into the graph. Reproduced in 4.8 Preview 3 and Main (//depot/UE4/Promotable-CL-2560501) ...
Using the GameplayTags module in a code project created with the binary version of the Engine results in a build failure in Visual Studio. The following error is shown: 1> D:/Epic Games/4.7/Engine ...
When calling GetAllocatedSize() on a TBitArray it will round down the result of MaxBits / NumBitsPerDWORD. This means that not enough bytes are allocated when the MaxBits is not divisible by NumBi ...
Printing the result of the 'Get Move Ignore Actors' node will crash the editor. The Licensee found the issue while exploring a workaround for this JIRA:https://jira.ol.epicgames.net/browse/UE-14734 ...