Clicking "Pause on Impact" with in the details of the InterpToMovement component will cause a crash

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Apr 30, 2015

When checking the "Pause on Impact" check box within the details panel for the InterpToMovement component, the editor crashes ...

Replication variable is incorrect in Details panel

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Apr 20, 2015

When setting a replicated floating variable, the replication doesn't appear correctly within the replication section of the Details Panel. ...

Math Nodes are not updating on input

UE - Rendering Architecture - Materials - May 11, 2015

Add, Multiply, Subtract and Divide Nodes in the Material Editor are not longer updating on input but on the next node added to the Material. Also Reproduced in Main Promotable-CL-2541904 [Link Rem ...

Attempting to open a map in content browser that is currently loaded in world composition browser crashes editor

Tools - May 12, 2015

Attempting to open a map through the content browser will crash the editor if that map is opened as a sublevel or the currently opened map through the world composition browser. Frequency: 2/2 Cr ...

The 'No' action when using the 'Move to Here' Content Browser Folder Option Still Loads Assets

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Content Browser - May 11, 2015

When attempting to move a folder within the content browser to a different folder, a dialog screen appear to confirm the action. If you press the 'No' option, the assets will still completely load a ...

Crash copying all nodes in level blueprint of Audio.umap in ContentExamples

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - May 11, 2015

Crash attempting to copy all of the nodes in the Audio map of the ContentExamples project. Crashreporter: (link to specific crash) [Link Removed] (link to bugg) [Link Removed] Ensure condition fa ...

'Set Playback Position' node fires Timeline event even if 'Fire Events' is set to false

UE - Gameplay - Apr 30, 2015

'Set Playback Position' node fires Timeline event even if 'Fire Events' is set to false. User Description: Basically using the set playback position node to set a new time position for a timeline ...

Lansdcape grass generation fails on Mac running OSX 10.10.1

UE - Platform - Mobile - May 12, 2015

Grass map heights all appear to be 0 when generating grass on a Mac running 10.10. This bug does not occur on Macs running OSX 10.9.5 Putting a breakpoint in LandscapeGrass.cpp line 476 you can se ...

Text box events (OnTextCommitted and OnTextChanged) are throwing false warnings

UE - Editor - UI Systems - May 11, 2015

If the user creates an OnTextCommitted event or an OnTextChanged event the user will receive a warning upon compiling the blueprint. Warning received: Warning No value will be returned by referenc ...

Passing an FQuat over a network will crash a game unless it is set as a variable first.

UE - Networking - Jan 6, 2015

A user reported that retrieving and sending an FQuat over a network will crash a game unless the FQuat is first assigned to a variable and the variable is passed. ...