Passing an FQuat over a network will crash a game unless it is set as a variable first.

UE - Networking - Jan 6, 2015

A user reported that retrieving and sending an FQuat over a network will crash a game unless the FQuat is first assigned to a variable and the variable is passed. ...

Crash with Deleted Sound Cue/Wave from Content Browser still Referencing Matinee Sound Track

Tools - May 12, 2015

Deleting a Sound Cue/wave from the Content Browser that is referenced by a Matinee actor Sound Track, and attempt to play the Matinee a crash will occur. I would expect the sound track to simply pl ...

Cyrillic user name with Windows will prevent APEX cloth apb files from importing

OLD - Anim - Jan 29, 2015

When the user name on Windows is set to cyrillic importing APEX cloth assets will fail. I'm not sure what other systems this may also affect, but adding a cloth apb asset to a skeletal mesh will cau ...

Split Struct Pin on a Function output will return a compiler error

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jan 13, 2015

Split Struct Pin on a Function output will return a compiler error: Error Pin New Param 1 X named NewParam1_X doesn't match any parameters of function NewFunction_0 Error Pin New Param 1 Z name ...

Deleting static mesh that is used by foliage tool in content browser then selecting foliage window crashes editor

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - Foliage - May 11, 2015

If a static mesh is being used by the foliage tool and then deleted in the content browser, the foliage tool will retain a copy of the object and crash the editor if the foliage window is selected a ...

Erractic Light Component Behavior in Blueprints

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - May 11, 2015

You cannot PIE if you attempt to adjust the Intensity of a Light via the slider in a BP that is placed in the Level already. In addition the color slider does not stay open when editing values for ...

An Actor BP with an editable variable that references another Actor in the level will reference multiple examples of that Actor if it is duplicated

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Mar 13, 2015

An Actor BP with an editable variable that references another Actor in the level will reference multiple examples of that Actor if it is duplicated. Reproduced in 4.7.2 binary and Main (//depot/UE4 ...

Landscape corruption in editor

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Landscape - Apr 10, 2015

Two licensees are reporting visible landscape corruption when opening their level in the editor, which goes away after various actions - opening the landscape editor or building geometry. PIE / game ...

Landscape Visibility Tool crashes editor

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Landscape - Feb 20, 2015

Editor crashes when landscape visibility tool is used on landscape. Frequency: 2/2 Crash Reporter: [Link Removed] ...

Slider Values are not working inside of a blueprint

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - May 7, 2015

Slider Values are not working inside of a blueprint in 4.8 Preview 1. User Description: Problem with the numeric float/int boxes in the editor in Blueprints, if for example open the TPS Template a ...