Blueprint CDO contains removed component from parent class. From the AnswerHub post: "It appears that if a component is removed from the C++ class, the CDOs for all of the blueprints remain unchang ...
When jumping in the first person template project, the "is in air" animation continues to play after landing. Solution: Switching out the "FirstPerson_JumpStart Asset" node for the "FirstPerson_J ...
Changes in Scale are not replicated on the Client through RPCs. Location and Rotation are replicated as expected. Reproduced in 4.7.6 binary and Main (//depot/UE4/Promotable-CL-2522625) ...
Multiple users on AnswerHub and forums have reported seeing very large increases on their packaged Android projects. One user reported being unable to get the Tappy project itself down to less than ...
Renaming a Parameter in a Base Material will make all instances of that Base Material in the level and the instance's thumbnail reset to default values from Base Material until the Instance is opene ...
Cannot derive from ADecalActor in your game modules as not all of the functions are exposed and you get linker errors. ...
Changing the quality settings (or having them change on you automatically in the editor) drops mips on landscape heightmap textures, which isn't desirable as it makes it look like there are collisio ...
Blueprints copied or moved to another level do not retain variable references to other Actors that are also copied or moved. Reproduced in 4.7.5 binary and Main (//depot/UE4/Promotable-CL-2507843) ...
"FVoiceSerializeHelper doesn't add references to AudioComponent instances" ShooterGame crashes when following the repro steps provided by the licensee, listed below and on the UDN post. Crash image ...
User Can hide a 3D widget component that is in world space. However, if they use a widget component that has been switched to Screen space this is no longer possible. List of ways that do not work ...