Forgetting to add the "virtual" in engine code implementations of these _Implementation functions makes them not overridable by users. UHT should catch this and emit a warning/error. For instance t ...
Physical materials on landscapes always return DefaultPhysicalMaterial, even when the surface type is changed. ...
Defining a skeletal mesh component in code and attaching it to the root component will not allow the component's details to be editable inside the editor. ...
Bug report from AnswerHub. Need to figure out why C++ functions tagged NetMulticast and BlueprintCallable send the wrong paramters to some clients. ...
Align brush vertices does not function in 4.7 preview 4. ...
Setting Project Settings->Rendering->Optimization->Clear Scene to "Do not clear" prevents the scene from clearing even in editor window viewports, such as the Components tab of Blueprints and the Pr ...
Actors disappear when multiple actors are selected and are moved from multiple sublevels to the persistent level at the same time. ...
Editor-time changes to parent BB asset do not get propagated to derived BB assets. ...
UPDATE: 3/10/2015 User reported manually adding a separate boolean value causes that value to automatically switch to true upon reloading editor as well. No current workaround is available. ======= ...
Crash when using AnimSeqStats console command. User in the additional info URL seems to know what the code change should be. [Link Removed] ...