When clicking RMB to "Add Preview Asset," The menu shows all contents, even assets that will not work with socket (ie other character blueprints) ...
Crash when opening maps and blueprints or PIE in user's project. [Link Removed] Possibly related [Link Removed] -30763-strategy.log is the first log, which indicated that the user's custom "Civil ...
There is a relatively small number of decal actors which can spawn before all previously spawned decal actors disappear. Also Reproduced in 4.7 Preview 4 and Main Promotable-CL-2412886 ...
Post processing has stopped working for the majority of features in the settings. attached: Project download: [Link Removed] ...
The implementation for TUnion is commented out (in Union.cpp) causing it to not function properly. DEFINE_LOG_CATEGORY(LogUnion); has to be added to the user's source file for the VS compille to wo ...
Crash when renaming assets from the Persona asset browser [Link Removed] [Link Removed] LOG IS ATTACHED ...
When deleting an Anim Notifiy in the Notify timeline, if an instance of that Anim Notify exists to the left of the selected one, it will be deleted instead. If numerous instances exist to the left ...
When opening a DM selecting any chunk, even the unfractured mesh, closing the chunk parameters tab and reopening the DM will result in a crash. If that DM is opened and clicked in the viewport it ...
Edit: CrashReporter link: [Link Removed] When running the Session Frontend Profiler as a Live Data Preview and you open a Post Process material, the editor will crash to the desktop. Reproduced in ...
Blueprints with inherited Macros cannot save. Reproduced in 4.7.1 binary and Main (//depot/UE4/Promotable-CL-2455917) ...