Currently, Niagara Components are only expected to have their TickComponent() method called when their system is marked as "Solo", which makes them be simulated individually. In the most common scen ...
In the Android Vulkan Mobile preview mode, when multiple GPU niagara systems are visible and the user moves the camera around the level it can cause a crash, potentially caused by a race condition o ...
Binding lifetime sections aren't meant to overlap, but duplicating one, or pasting one can cause them to overlap, triggering an ensure. Duplication and copying and pasting are typical actions, so th ...
Panning/Zooming in Normalized view is constantly shuffling your view around.. See Attached Video: [Link Removed] ...
Spawning an actor with Chaos cloth causes a hitch when LODs or Self-Collision are enabled on the cloth. LODs and Self-Collision seem to compound the issue. Self-Collision requires a collision simul ...
FGeomTools2D::GenerateConvexHullFromPoints can result in a point cloud that is not convex or doesn't completely cover the full area from the source points. ...
When DitheredLODTransition is enabled for HierarchicalInstancedStaticMesh, in the previous version (5.1.1), dithering was applied during fade-in/fade-out, but in 5.4.3, dithering is not applied duri ...
A licensee who built their game on top of Lyra has reported that OnSpawn abilities, which is a feature provided by the LyraGameplayAbility base class via its ActivationPolicy, have a chance of faili ...
Texture format override to BGRA8 due to changes in CL-30603716. The following code can restore the previous behavior. void FShadowMapPendingTexture::StartEncoding(ULevel* LightingScenario, ITexture ...
Commenting out the branch in FTriangleMeshSweepVisitor::VisitSweep is a work-around.if (CullsBackFaceSweepsCode != 0) { if (VectorMaskBits(IsBackFace)) { // Don't cull the back face ...