Mobile Map loading times have increased from 4.12 to 4.13

UE - Platform - Mobile - Oct 4, 2016

The loading time from 4.12 to 4.13 on mobile devices seems to have increased quite a bit. My results: 4.12.5 Windows 7 - Launch On: Loading Level 2 - .51 Loading Level 3 - .74 Loading Level 1 - .73 ...

iOS apps crash on devices with iOS version 11.2.2 when Metal 2.0 is enabled

UE - Platform - Mobile - Jan 22, 2018

Launching an iOS App that is set to Metal 2.0 on a device with iOS version 11.2.2 causes the app to crash and return to the home screen. This was tested on an iPad Pro as I do not have access to any ...

Regression for changes in code character movement not affecting multiplayers

UE - Foundation - Core - Jun 26, 2015

If MoveForward() function is changed to affect the speed of the player, when playing in a multiplayer game player 1 will be affected by the change but player 2 will not be. This is a regression - i ...

Enum to Byte conversion returns 2 for the first enum then 4 then 6 and so on rather than 0, 1, 2, etc

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Sep 1, 2015

Enum to Byte conversion returns 2 for the first enum then 4 then 6 and so on rather than 0, 1, 2, etc. This is a regression; does NOT occur in 4.8.3. Reproduced in 4.9.0 binary and Main (2675088) ...

Custom Nav Area Not Affecting Nav Mesh Until Restart

UE - AI - May 2, 2016

When using a Nav Modifier volume with a custom Nav Area class, the Nav Mesh is not being affected until the editor is restarted. Found in 4.11.2 binary. Reproduced in 4.12 Preview 1 binary and Main ...

Objects with Translucent Blend Mode Material Aren't Affected by Refraction

UE - Graphics Features - Feb 16, 2018

There is an issue occurring where Objects with Translucent Blend Mode Material Aren't Affected by Refraction. This affects any translucent material regardless of the translucent materials settings. ...

Radial Impulse does not affect objects unless it can affect both center of mass and collision if center of mass is outside of collision

UE - Simulation - Physics - Oct 17, 2016

Firing a radial impulse does not affect an object whose center of mass is located outside of its' collision unless both the center and the collision are simultaneously affected by the same force. ...

Only 2 out of 4 Split Screen characters appear in TM-SplitScreen

UE - Gameplay - Oct 3, 2016

Only two characters appear in the playing field after hitting PIE. There are 4 separate screens, which I expected there being one character for each screen. 4 Characters used to spawn and now only 2 ...

Nav Modifier Volume Not Affecting Nav Mesh Until it is Moved

UE - AI - Oct 21, 2016

Nav Modifier volumes are not affected the nav mesh until they are moved from their initial placement position. Found in 4.13.1. Reproduced in 4.12.5 and 4.15 Main CL 3163223 This is similar to [Li ...

The "Random Integer in Range from Stream" returns the same value if the seed is power of 2 of anything above 22.

UE - Foundation - Core - Aug 7, 2019

When using the "Random Integer in Range from Stream" where the seed is a power of 2 after a certain point (2^22) the random integer that is returned is the always the same. If the seed is 2^23 + 1 i ...