#ifdef and #ifndef have no affect in header files

UE - Foundation - Core - Mar 17, 2016

#ifdef and #ifndef have no affect when used in the header file of a class. Ex: #ifndef MYMACRO UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = Test) float ANumber; #endif ANumber v ...

Changing the mass for a Destructible asset does not affect it

UE - Simulation - Physics - Destruction - Nov 19, 2014

DESCRIPTION: Changing the mass of a Destruction asset does not affect it. In comparison doing the same for a static mesh set to simulate physics will adjust accordingly. Forums Post: https://forum ...

Flipping faces on a brush affects all other brushes

UE - LD & Modeling - Modeling Tools - BSP - Apr 9, 2015

Flipping faces on a brush affects all other brushes Subtractive brushes will have their internal faces show if enough additive brush faces are flipped. If the faces of a subtractive brush are flip ...

character movement velocity negatively affected by framerate

UE - Gameplay - Oct 28, 2015

Lower framerates directly affect the velocity of a character's movement if that velocity is provided by another source. ...

Pressed and Normal Padding appears to have no affect on buttons in UMG

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Aug 24, 2016

Pressed and Normal Padding appears to have no affect on buttons in UMG ...

Fix Up Redirectors does not affect redirectors within renamed folder

Tools - Sep 23, 2016

Fix Up Redirectors does not affect redirectors within renamed folder. ...

NavArea blueprints in Develops folders appear to have no affect

UE - AI - Nov 6, 2015

If the user creates two NavArea Blueprints (one in the content folder and the other in a developer folder) if one is inside of a developer folder then it will appear to have no affect when it comes ...

Fade track is not affected by "Restore State" flag

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Mar 24, 2017

Fade track is not affected by "Restore State" flag Regression: Sort of. Restore State wasn't available in 4.14, but the default behavior would leave the screen black Worked: 3249277 (4.14.3) Bro ...

Overriding a sequence binding does not affect camera tracking binding

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Mar 17, 2020

Binding overrides don't work for camera actor tracking. This may affect attach tracks as well. ...

Crash when using merge actor on static meshes that have been affected by simplygon

UE - Gameplay - Oct 5, 2016

Crash when using merge actor on static meshes that have been affected by simplygon ...