Details panel for Actor Component is blank in any Blueprint that derives from a code class using that Actor Component after the Actor Component's class name is changed

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Dec 20, 2018

Changing the name of an Actor Component code class in a project results in any existing Blueprints that derive from code classes that use that Actor Component to not display the Actor Component's pr ...

SetOneWayInteraction functionality has no effect on the simulation

UE - Simulation - Physics - Nov 11, 2022

Calling SetOneWayInteraction on a BodyInstance has no effect within the physics engine. The state of the flag is passed in to Chaos but nothing actually uses the value once it is there. It is expe ...

Manually importing LODs are rotated 90 degrees when using Transform Vertex to Absolute

Tools - May 26, 2016

When importing a Static Mesh if you use the default settings and then manually import any LODs for that static mesh they will be rotated by 90 degrees. I found that disabling Transform Vertex to A ...

Particle Mesh Emitters Cause Heavy FPS Stutter

UE - Graphics Features - May 4, 2018

Per User: After updating my project from 4.18 to 4.19, I started getting huge FPS drops at regular intervals. I managed to trace back the issue to particle systems with mesh emitters and could repr ...

Debug Helpers no longer drawn indefinitely if life time is set to 0 or less

UE - Graphics Features - Sep 10, 2018

Setting the lifetime for one of the visual debug helpers (a sphere was used in the repro, but the results should be similar for any of the debug helpers) to a value of 0 or less should make the debu ...

Landscape Tessellation shadow depth performance cost higher than expected

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Landscape - Aug 23, 2016

Using tessellation on Landscapes causes a greater impact in performance than what is expected. In the screenshots provided there is a comparison between tessellation disabled and flat tessellation ...

Recorded sequences create broken "Visibility" tracks instead of "Hidden in Game" Tracks

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Jun 19, 2017

Recorded sequences create "Visibility" tracks instead of "Hidden in Game" Tracks. "Visibility" tracks appear to be legacy tracks that you can't create anymore, but is still created by Sequence Reco ...

[CrashReport] UE4Editor_OnlineSubsystemUtils!LastGetVoiceCallTime()

UE - Foundation - Core - Jul 19, 2017

This is a common crash in the 4.16 release. Affected users have not provided additional information. Source Context 1795 // Some tasks can only be done once we finish all scenes/viewports ...

OnObjectPropertyChanged Firing Excessively when FText is Bulk Edited

UE - Editor - Jun 28, 2023

If multiple game objects are selected at once and their text field is edited, instead of getting N events, it produces N-squared events. It looks like FPropertyHandleBase::SetPerObjectValue is call ...

Crash on Linux and Windows with Vulkan when adding Atmospheric Fog to a Level

UE - Graphics Features - Dec 5, 2018

Adding an instance of Atmospheric Fog to a Level causes the Editor to crash on both Linux and Windows when using Vulkan. There is a different callstack when SteamVR is enabled on Linux which is also ...