Clion isn't recognized on Linux

UE - Platform - Linux - May 4, 2020

Setting CLion as the default IDE causes Unreal to not recognize it as a compiler. You are unable to compile C++ projects or create new ones with it set this way. This was reported and tested in 4. ...

"Warning: GEditor isn't valid! Particle reset commands will not work for Niagara components!" when QA-PostProcessing is opened with -game

UE - Niagara - Oct 8, 2019

The following warning will be present when running QAGame QA-PostProcessing with -game:LogNiagaraEditor: Warning: GEditor isn't valid! Particle reset commands will not work for Niagara components! ...

Long thin spinning objects take too long to stop spinning

UE - Simulation - Physics - Solver - Jun 5, 2023

See the SpinningObjectStability test map in the Physics Sandbox. [Link Removed] It's not clear if this is a bug or a side effect of some of our solver shortcuts (e.g., omission of the precession te ...

On level restart, user receives LogNetPackageMap warnings in networking project with seamless travel

UE - Networking - Mar 19, 2015

On level restart, user receives LogNetPackageMap warnings in networking project with seamless travel. Warning message: LogNetPackageMap:Warning: Using None instead of replicated reference to MyAct ...

[CrashReport] UE4Editor_Core!FModuleManager::UnloadModule() [modulemanager.cpp:557]

UE - Foundation - Core - Feb 27, 2017

Error message: Assertion failed: ModuleInfo.Module.IsUnique() [Link Removed] [Line: 557] Source Context: Most recent user affected CL: Logs: See attached Issue call stack shares some similariti ...

Volumetric Lightmaps do not work with Landscape texture mapping

UE - Graphics Features - Feb 13, 2019

It appears that the Lightmass Volumetric Lightmap does not work with Landscape textures. When it samples the Landscape with some textured material, the resulting lighting build data does not match t ...

Client movement and animation are heavy jittered on listen server

UE - Gameplay - Player Movement - May 10, 2019

The listen server will see jitter in clients character movement and animations. This is hard to notice without the "slomo" command but is extremely obvious using "slomo". Clients will see server and ...

Sharing Material shaders wastes memory and disappears from the memreport

UE - Graphics Features - Jul 18, 2019

Enabling bShareMaterialShaderCode breaks memory tracking and wastes memory due to issues in ShaderCodeLibrary. It is also worth noting that after cooking with bShareMaterialShaderCode enabled causes ...

Navmesh drawing is not visible during Simulate or PIE unless Supported Agents includes the first agent

UE - AI - Navigation - Jan 29, 2020

In Simulate or PIE it is not possible to see any Navmesh Volumes past the 1st in a multi-navmesh setup. Any Nav Volumes after the 1st need to have the 1st one enabled for them to be drawn in the Lev ...

Null Redirector For Main Game Level Is Packaged Without Error After Fixing Redirector

Tools - Feb 24, 2020

After moving a level into a folder and fixing the redirectors (right click in content browser) the project will package a Null reference without throwing an error. This will let you create a project ...