Quality settings should not affect landscape resolution

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Landscape - Mar 10, 2015

Changing the quality settings (or having them change on you automatically in the editor) drops mips on landscape heightmap textures, which isn't desirable as it makes it look like there are collisio ...

Foliage radius does not affect other foliage assets

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - Foliage - May 5, 2016

Setting the radius on a foliage asset does not prevent other foliage assets from being painted within that radius. Regression (no) issues (does) occur in 4.10.4 ...

Actor Enable Collision does not affect ISM

UE - Simulation - Physics - Nov 12, 2020

The problem was reported via UE Bug Submission. I was able to repro with their provided test project. ...

Scene Capture Cube not affected by bloom

UE - Virtual Production - Jun 17, 2021

SplineComponent - setting roll affects tangents

UE - Gameplay - Components - Jun 12, 2023

Licensee reports issue with setting roll on a spline component control point. ...

Crash on device When using 'shot' console command on a iOS metal device.

UE - Platform - Mobile - Apr 27, 2015

When entering the Console command 'shot" on an iPhone 6+, the device will crash immediately. Tested on an iPhone 6+, iPhone 5 (8.1), and a Galaxy Note 10.1 Tablet. Unable to test on 2522625 becaus ...

Choosing sides appears to have no affect for forced feedback

UE - Gameplay - Mar 18, 2016

Choosing the side that is supposed to vibrate during forced feed back does not appear to have an effect. The same side vibrates regardless of selection ...

Snap Constraint to Bone affects rotation but not position

UE - Simulation - Physics - Jun 1, 2016

The Snap Constraint to Bone button seems to only rotate and change the limits on a constraint instead of also moving the constraint to the bone's location. ...

Circular Throbber does not appear to be affected when setting the tint

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Jan 25, 2016

Circular throbber does not appear to change colors when changing the tint ...

RootMotion travel distance get affected by ForceAnimRate

OLD - Anim - Nov 24, 2016

A root motion controlled character would travel further than they should when both EnableUpdateRateOptimizations is on and a.URO.ForceAnimRate is set above 1. Changing "Root Motion from Montages On ...