Scale box affects all children in a parent container widget when setting User Specified Scale

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Jul 5, 2018

When a scale box is the the first child of a container widget, setting the user specified scale to 0 will affect all other widgets in the same parent container. ...

'Open Help Url' on the 'DocumentaionLink' in templates leads to a private Youtube playlist from 4.8

UE - Content - Template - Mar 7, 2022

'Open Help Url' on the 'DocumentaionLink' in templates leads to a private Youtube playlist from 4.8 instead of more recent documentation or updated videos. ...

r.Shadow.RadiusThreshold and r.Shadow.FadeResolution not affected by Scalability Settings

UE - Graphics Features - Apr 20, 2018

r.Shadow.FadeResolution and r.Shadow.RadiusThreshold values in DefaultScalability.ini are not being applied ...

Unable to save blueprint after Hot Reload that affects the class the blueprint is based on

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Sep 14, 2015

After hot reloading a project, if the class a blueprint is based off of was edited, the blueprint is unable to be saved due to being referenced in Engine/Transient. Project for Repro: [Link Removed ...

When r.CustomDepth = 3 (Enabled with Stencil), the values of SceneDepth and CustomDepth are different on IOS

UE - Graphics Features - Jan 7, 2019

The user wants to express using the difference between SceneDepth and CustomDepth. However, when r.CustomDepth = 3 (Enabled with Stencil), the expression can not be realized because the SceneDepth a ...

Cannot Package Game for Windows from External Drive on Windows 8.1 Boot Camp Mac

UE - Foundation - Core - Dec 17, 2014

User is trying to package the xixoBerlinFlat Marketplace and cannot get a packged project from an external drive project on a Windows 8.1 x64 system running via Bootcamp on a Mac. ...

Upgrading a project from 4.7 to 4.8 will cause the character to load before the level in a packaged game

UE - Gameplay - Jun 22, 2015

After updating a project from 4.7 to 4.8 the character will be loaded first when the project has been packaged out. ...

TMaps with instanced objects: modifying instanced object data in child affects parent

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jul 25, 2023

Given a TMap where the value type is an instanced object: when a child blueprint is saved with modifications to the TMap, and then additional TMap are added to the parent blueprint and the child blu ...

Adding material to tiled landscape via details pane causes editor to crash

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Landscape - Jun 22, 2015

If a material is added to a tiled landscape via the details pane, the editor crashes. Frequency: 3/3 CrashReporter: [Link Removed] ...

Projects crashing on launch after converting from 4.7.3 to 4.7.4

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Apr 3, 2015

A couple users have reported a crash when opening their 4.7.3 project in 4.7.4. From MikeB: The guy is hit ...