Take Recorder crashes if actor with animation despawns during recording

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Mar 8, 2021

Skeletal animations are finalized at the end of recording, and expect the actor to still be around, but actors can despawn during recording leading to a crash. ...

Engine crashes when trying to remove unused bones from skeleton

UE - Anim - Runtime - Mar 10, 2021

Engine crashes when i try to remove unused bones. I have lot of things going on in those characters, they all share same skeleton. There are anim blueprints with control rig and pose drivers, there ...

Calling ServerTravel with bShouldSkipGameNotify set to false causes a crash

UE - Gameplay - Feb 22, 2019

Calling ServerTravel with bShouldSkipGameNotify set to false results in a crash. The reproduction case provided is in PIE but this also occurs in a packaged game Regression?: Yes This did not occur ...

Landscape can be added as a source in take recorder

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Jan 25, 2021

Landscapes should not be able to be animated in sequences, and should not appear as options for sources in take recorder.  ...

Editor crash when modifying Skeletal Animation Section of an unsaved additive animation

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Jan 27, 2021

Unsaved animations can cause the editor to crash if they are in a sequence, if the sequence evaluates them after an edit.  ...

Editing an instanced variable that is nested in two other instanced variables causes a crash

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jul 2, 2015

If a user edits a instanced variable which is nested inside two other instanced variables in blueprint editor, a crash will occur ...

Crash on inputting Scalar Value in Grass Material Node

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Landscape - May 6, 2015

Crash occurs when inputting a Scalar Parameter into the New to 4,8 Grass Node. Also reproduced in Main Promotable-CL-2535351 ...

Crash when creating StaticMesh repeatedly

Tools - Nov 21, 2014

UE4Editor crashes when creating static meshes. Event at startup time while it tries to create default object it crash sometimes. ...

Crash when attempting to deform a landscape when Paint Layer has not been used - Assertion failed: !TargetProxy->HasLayersContent() || !InCanUseEditingWeightmap || EditingLayerGUID.IsValid() [LandscapeEdit.cpp Line: 5252]

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Landscape - Sep 9, 2020

The editor crashes when attempting to draw a weight blended texture to the landscape if it hasnt been used on that landscape yet. This crash can be completely avoided if the stone texture is painted ...

LIVE: EDITOR: MATERIALS: CRASH: Setting the MipValueMode for MipLevel or MipBias to 4 or higher will crash the editor

UE - Graphics Features - Oct 14, 2014

BRANCH: MAIN CHANGELIST: 2322258 PLATFORM: Windows DESCRIPTION: When using a texture sample with the MipValueMode to MipLevel or MipBias with a value of 4 or higher will cause a crash. ...