USE_EQS_DEBUGGER affects runtime EQS results in SingleResult mode

UE - AI - EQS - Mar 26, 2020

The licensee described it really well so I'll just copy what he said: When EQS debugging is enabled via USE_EQS_DEBUGGER, queries run in 'SingleResult' mode will not clear discarded items from the ...

Multi-process cooking does not complete in UE5.3.0

UE - Foundation - Core - Cooker - Sep 26, 2023

Projects with multi-process cooking enabled will not complete packaging. If MPCook is disabled, packaging can be completed.  ...

DrawDebug elements on screen affect aspect ratio letterboxing

UE - Rendering Architecture - Nov 1, 2023

During gameplay when the view target camera's aspect ratio is not exactly the viewport's aspect ratio, the presence of rendered debug draw elements (DrawDebugArrow, etc) makes the viewport's rendere ...

Crash when making Android package in SlateTextShaper.cpp

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Slate - Apr 7, 2020

Crash when outputting garbled text when creating Android package. It did not occur in my colleague's environment using English OS, but occurred in my environment using Japanese OS. This issue should ...

[CrashReport] UE4Editor_Engine!UMaterialExpression::GetOutputType() [materialexpressions.cpp:859]

UE - Rendering Architecture - Materials - Nov 21, 2017

This is an infrequent crash in the 4.18 release. Users have not provided any descriptions of their actions when the crash occurred. Source Context 849 uint32 UMaterialExpression::GetOutputT ...

BokehDOFRecombine Incurs Cost Even While DOF Is Not Enabled

UE - Graphics Features - May 17, 2017

While separate translucency is enabled DOFRecombine will incur a cost even when not using DOF (Scale of 0 or blur size of 0). Maybe we can check to see if those values are == 0 (meaning DOF is effec ...

Implied Decal Blend Modes don't properly account for Material Attributes usage

UE - Graphics Features - Sep 28, 2021

I've attached a project with the necessary materials that demonstrate this issue. I would expect that just because a Set Material Attributes node is inside a material graph it wouldn't affect the de ...

OnParticleCollide Not Returning Velocity Values Properly

UE - Graphics Features - Oct 23, 2017

OnParticleCollide doesn't return Velocity on every collision. User description: "If you add a particle emitter, and add an Event Generator - Collision and Actor Collision Binding an event to tha ...

Poses Asset UI doesn't update correctly when updating from new source animation

OLD - Anim - Jul 11, 2016

If the user updates to a new Source Animation for a pose asset, while a pose was active in the viewport (weight set to 1.0), the pose will be set to 0.0 in the pose list even though it's still activ ...