Crash when using Mesh Reduction on ScotsPine_01 for LOD3

UE - Graphics Features - Jan 30, 2017

A crash occurs when trying to use the Mesh Reduction tool for the ScotsPine_01 static mesh from the Open World Demo collection. The assets from this project are usually very processor heavy due to ...

Linux server builds of 4.24.0 failing due to Text3D plugin's dependencies on FreeType2 and HarfBuzz

UE - Platform - Linux - Jan 31, 2020

The build error is descriptive. FreeType2.Build.cs and HarfBuzz.Build.cs explicitly check if they are being used for a Unix server build and throw exceptions to prevent that. Commenting out those ex ...

Scene Depth appears to return zero on iOS

UE - Platform - Mobile - Feb 13, 2017

Scene Depth appears to return zero on iOS. In this test the material applied to an image does not appear to lerp between 0 and 1 for the various objects in the scene, implying that the Scene depth ...

Importing low key frame animations with custom attribute curves have their keys offset affecting pose asset generation

OLD - Anim - Sep 9, 2016

When creating a pose asset based on an animation and curves with a low number of keyframes if you switch between the pose assets poses, the curves will not be correctly timed with the animation beca ...

Hierarchical Instance Static Mesh's array does not reorder itself correctly

UE - Graphics Features - Jan 16, 2017

When an instance is removed from a Hierarchical Instanced Static Mesh's array, if there are indices that are further along in the array that fill that index, the last index in the array is used to d ...

[CrashReport] Fatal error: Cast of nullptr to Actor failed - UE4Editor_CoreUObject!CastLogError()

Tools - Jul 19, 2017

This is a common crash affecting users in 4.16, and has been occurring since at least 4.14. It has affected more than 400 unique users, unfortunately they have provided little information. User Des ...

Up Ratio on the Gear Setup for Vehicle Movement Component does not work correctly

UE - Simulation - Physics - Sep 11, 2015

When changing Up Ratio for the Gear Setup in a Wheeled Vehicle's Vehicle Movement Component, there are some weird results. At 1.0 for Gear Setup, the gear should shift once RPM is at max but it will ...

Unable to open editor after updating to latest AMD driver

UE - Graphics Features - Oct 30, 2017

After updating to Radeon Software 17.10.3 I can no longer open the editor. This has been seen on both a R9 390X and a R9 290. If I use AMD's Auto-detect software it's recommended version is 17.7.2 ...

[MetaSounds] - Changing an Input to Modulation Parameter crashes editor due to module load order

UE - Audio - MetaSounds - May 27, 2022

Setting an Input type on Modulation Parameter crashes the editor with:Assertion failed: Pair != nullptr [File:E:\SMoyls_UE5_Release-5.0\Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Public\Containers\Map.h] [Line: 643 ...