Get Random Point in Navigable Radius Returning Invalid Value

UE - AI - May 5, 2016

When using the Get Random Point in Navigable Radius node, every few points return an invalid value. Found in 4.11.2 binary. Reproduced in 4.12 Preview 2, 4.10.4 binary, and Main CL 2962354 ...

Unexpected Results with Get Random Reachable Point in Radius

UE - AI - May 5, 2016

When using Get Random Reachable Point in Radius and spawning instanced static meshes on those points, it returns a similar pattern almost every time with an L-shape in the center along with a dense ...

Client lag/hitch detection can cause server to tick character faster than expected

UE - Gameplay - Player Movement - May 3, 2016

If client takes a long time to send a move to the server, the server erroneously ticks it for a large time without updating the client's timestamp, causing the server to move the client further than ...

Mouse Not Being Locked to Viewport in PIE

Tools - May 3, 2016

The mouse cursor is not being locked to the viewport during PIE in versions 4.11 and up. This is inconsistent with the behavior that was seen in 4.10 because the mouse was locked to the viewport du ...

Changing BlueprintCallable function's code results in Warning in blueprint that should be considered an Error

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - May 3, 2016

A user reported an issue where, if a BlueprintCallable function's parameters are edited, a blueprint using a BlueprintCallable function will give warnings instead of an error for a problem after the ...

Attached Project Crashes When Moving Child Actor Components in Blueprints

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - May 3, 2016

The editor crashes when moving a child actor component in the blueprint viewport. This has not been reproduced in a clean project, and only seems to be occurring in the user project where they have ...

Attached Project Crashes While Opening After Conversion From 4.10 to 4.11

UE - Foundation - Core - May 3, 2016

The attached project is now crashing after being upgraded from 4.10.4 to 4.11.2. This crash also occurs when attempting to open a copy of the project in 4.12 Preview 1. After further investigation ...

Build Step Async Step Infinite Loop

Tools - May 2, 2016

The new custom editor build steps don't properly advance when we complete an async build step, looks like it was untested. ...

DrawDebugSphere & DrawDebugAltCone deref nullptr if used in constructors

UE - Graphics Features - May 2, 2016

\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Private\DrawDebugHelpers.cpp DrawDebugSphere and DrawDebugAltCone both try to dereference variable 'LineBatcher' without checking for null, as the other DrawDebug func ...

[CrashReport] Commandlet crash in UE4Editor_CoreUObject!UPackage::Save

UE - Foundation - Core - May 2, 2016

This Jira was created from CrashReports submitted by the public due to the high number of occurrences. Error message: Assertion failed: Pair != nullptr [Link Removed] [Line: 520] Source Context:4 ...