'Moved' event pin doesn't trigger on the 'Input Touch' node correctly

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Apr 8, 2016

'Moved' event pin doesn't trigger on the 'Input Touch' node correctly Regression: This does not happen in 4.10.2. The 'Moved' pin triggers at all times when the mouse-button is held and the mouse i ...

Crash when Moving a Single Foliage Instance with over 15k Painted Instances

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - Foliage - Apr 8, 2016

A licensee is reporting a crash when he transforms/moves a single instance of foliage, when there are 15,000 or more painted instances of that mesh in a single map. Regression Yes, I tested the sam ...

Pick Parent Class window for new blueprints does not properly list available classes on Linux

Tools - Apr 8, 2016

When opening the Pick Parent Class window on Linux, the expansion arrow next to All Classes does not properly extend to show all classes. Workaround: After clicking the arrow to extend the drop dow ...

Setting meta data to custom MetaData class does not save after restarting editor

OLD - Anim - Apr 8, 2016

When setting a custom meta data class in an Animation Montage, the class set is not saved when the editor is closed / reopened. ...

Slider doesn't properly bubble the OnKeyDown event

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Apr 7, 2016

Once a slider receives keyboard focus, the keys will not navigate away regardless of the navigation settings. This is because the slider's OnKeyDown function does not pass along the call when the ev ...

UMG Widgets aren't cleaned up when a player is removed

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Apr 7, 2016

When a player is removed from a split screen game, UMG widgets associated with their screen are not properly cleared. ...

Vignette in stereoscopic looks incorrect, entire frame as opposed to each eye

UE - Platform - XR - Apr 6, 2016

Vignette seems to be being applied to the entire frame instead of each eye in stereoscopic, creating a really strange effect in your peripherals when viewed through a HMD. Can also see this effect i ...