Event Dispatcher Automatically Targeting Self in Child Blueprint

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Oct 10, 2016

When attempting to bind an event in a child blueprint using a variable from the parent blueprint, the target of the assign node is automatically set to self instead of the target variable that you d ...

OnRep_ReplicatedAnimMontage causes popping when montage ends

OLD - Anim - Oct 8, 2016

UAbilitySystemComponent::OnRep_ReplicatedAnimMontage doesn't handle some edge cases when stopping the montage when blending is involved. Namely, it's possible on a client (due to latency, etc.) that ...

DataTable::LoadStructData allocating wrong size

UE - Foundation - Core - Oct 5, 2016

Pointed out by a licensee here: UDataTableを読みこんだ際のメモリ破壊について When reading the `UDataTable, in DataTable::LoadStructData()` the contents of the struct are interpreted[Image Removed], but the size of ...

LineTraceComponent Does Not Return FaceIndex

UE - Gameplay - Oct 3, 2016

bReturnFaceIndex is not being used in ConvertQueryImpactHit when calling PrimitiveComponent LineTraceComponent. User quote: When calling PrimitiveComponent LineTraceComponent with FCollisionQueryP ...

Setting Is Closed on an Instance of a Spline's Details Returns False in the Actor's Construction Script

Tools - Oct 3, 2016

When attempting to get the value of Is Closed on an instance of an actor's spline component, the value is always false during construction of the actor. On Begin Play, the Is Closed value returns t ...

Html5 packaging fails on Windows if the user has HOME env var

UE - Platform - Mobile - Oct 3, 2016

If user has HOME env var, Html5 packaging creates .emscripten folder within the location specified by HOME, not the expected intermediate location(like C:\Program Files\Epic Games\4.13\Engine\Interm ...

NavMesh movement sweep behavior should not be based on bGenerateOverlaps

UE - Gameplay - Player Movement - Sep 28, 2016

A separate new flag should be used to control the sweep behavior of characters using Nav Walking behavior in CharacterMovementComponent. Existing assets should upgrade to set the value of this new f ...

UAnimNotifyState NotifyEnd / NotifyBegin called when setting GlobalAnimRateScale to 0 / non-zero respectivey

OLD - Anim - Sep 26, 2016

The issue seems to have a few parts. First, active events don't persist between frames. Instead, a new active list is created each frame and diffed against the previous frame. Added events have Beg ...

Source Control: Perforce Branch History is Parsed Incorrectly

Tools - Sep 26, 2016

Several issues have been reported within the ParseHistoryResults method from PerforceSourceControlOperations: 1. Any Records that share the same filename will only display the last record with that ...

UserWidget Struct members cannot be cleared when set from a parent widget

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Sep 22, 2016

Struct members belonging to a UserWidget can be set from a parent widget, but they cannot be cleared. Upon compiling, the member will be set back to it's previous value. ...