Shadow Quality regression on mobile for Movable Directional Lights

UE - Platform - Mobile - Oct 11, 2016

Shadow quality from a movable directional light has lower resolution quality than the previous release of the engine. This is a regression in quality from 4.12.5 to 4.13. Tested with: Good Quality ...

Lengthy Compile Times on Blueprints Containing an Array of Self References When Multiple Instances Exist in the Level

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Oct 11, 2016

There are lengthy compile times with a blueprint with 50+ instances in the level that contains an array of self references. On lower-end machines, the compile times are upwards of 10 seconds. Found ...

Event Dispatcher Automatically Targeting Self in Child Blueprint

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Oct 10, 2016

When attempting to bind an event in a child blueprint using a variable from the parent blueprint, the target of the assign node is automatically set to self instead of the target variable that you d ...

Mesh Painting sometimes fails to paint the closest face in the hovered area

Tools - Oct 10, 2016

Sometimes it's not catching certain polys as vertex paint targets. Looks like it happens when there's more than one layer of forward facing geometry over the highlighted area, and it just takes the ...

Include Source for additional Programs in UE4 Release

UE - Foundation - Build - Rocket (Installed Engine) - Oct 10, 2016

User pointed out that the Launcher version of the Engine only has source for UnrealHeaderTool but there is a lot more on Github. Would suggest including at least UAT/UBT to aid anyone who wants to d ...

OnRep_ReplicatedAnimMontage causes popping when montage ends

OLD - Anim - Oct 8, 2016

UAbilitySystemComponent::OnRep_ReplicatedAnimMontage doesn't handle some edge cases when stopping the montage when blending is involved. Namely, it's possible on a client (due to latency, etc.) that ...

Precise Click is not working correctly with Buttons

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Oct 6, 2016

A licensee reported an issue where a recent change to SButton.cpp in 4.13 causes an issue with Precise Click in multiple situations, his example being the one described in the repro steps, which is ...

Some materials render black on Iphone 6 series phones

UE - Platform - Mobile - Oct 6, 2016

Some materials are not rendering on iphone 6 series devices. They will render completely black on one device but not others in the same series. Replacing the material with a basic material renders o ...

[CrashReport] UE4Editor_Engine!USkeleton::GetSmartNameContainer() [skeleton.cpp:1315]

OLD - Anim - Oct 5, 2016

Error message: Access violation - code c0000005 (first/second chance not available) Source Context: 1300 FSmartNameMapping* Mapping = SmartNames.GetContainerInternal(ContainerName); 1301 ...

Crash when using merge actor on static meshes that have been affected by simplygon

UE - Gameplay - Oct 5, 2016

Crash when using merge actor on static meshes that have been affected by simplygon ...