4.14 fails to launch on macOS High Sierra

UE - Platform - Apple - Jan 15, 2018

The engine will crash in `FMacPlatformSplash::Show()` when trying to launch on macOS High Sierra. ...

Reimporting a static mesh will cause some values to be reset back to defaults

Tools - Jul 5, 2017

Reimporting a static mesh will cause some Static Mesh Editor values to be reset back to defaults. This was reported as JIRA UE-22205 back in 4.10 and was marked fix in 4.12. However, I wasn't able ...

Skylight has too much influence on Subsurface Scattering

UE - Graphics Features - May 9, 2017

Users on the AnswerHub are reporting that Skylights have too much effect on Subsurface Scattering. The argument here seems to be Movable Skylights versus Static/Stationary and their results regardi ...

BSP brushes get Clipped or Disappear relative to the Surface Normals of a nearby Brush when Deleting/Flipping Faces

UE - LD & Modeling - Modeling Tools - BSP - May 1, 2017

While testing this issue it was interesting to discover how the surrounding BSP's were affected. They seemed to clip/disappear according to the surface normals of the deleted brushes. There is a si ...

Indirect Lighting Cache causes Flickering on Skeletal Meshes

UE - Graphics Features - Apr 30, 2017

Indirect Lighting Cache is causing the Indirect Lighting for Skeletal Meshes to flicker. I have attempted both ILCQ Volume and Point cache qualities, and it seems Point produces the most exaggerate ...

Package fails for android if company name begins with a number

UE - Platform - Mobile - Apr 26, 2017

If the company name has a number at the beginning of it when packaging for android it returns a series of errors and does not allow the project to be built. The error that is being shown in the outp ...

material clamps with Panner for HTML5 when texture size is not power of two

UE - Platform - Mobile - Apr 25, 2017

When launching for HTML 5 and using a texture or image that is not a power of two in size the texture does not pan correctly, instead of panning as expected, the material clamps and will remain that ...

Variable Reset on Child in level

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Apr 24, 2017

For a child instance inside of the level, the value of a parent int variable will reset if you add a new variable in the child and if there is a function in the parent that has the child as an outpu ...

Output Pins Not deleting on DoOnce MultiInput

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Apr 13, 2017

When using the DoOnce MultiInput node in blueprints, deleting a newly added pin on the input side will not delete its corresponding output pin. Adding a new pin after that will create the result lik ...

Crash can occur when calling GetSkinnedVertexPosition on a skeletal mesh with a slightly different bone hierarchy than the skeletal mesh whose skeleton it is using

OLD - Anim - Apr 12, 2017

MDW: In progress (Dev-AnimPhys CL 3392820) When calling GetSkinnedVertexPosition on a skeletal mesh that uses the same skeleton as a different skeletal mesh with a slightly different bone hierarchy ...