Press Key node and Release Key node appear to emulate the wrong keys

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Nov 14, 2016

Press Key node and Release Key node appear to emulate the wrong keys. The key being passed in is not always the key being output ...

Distance to Opacity Curve Does Not Influence Material Billboard

UE - Graphics Features - Nov 14, 2016

The material billboard component does not get influence by the distance to opacity feature. In the project attached I created a curve that should get to an opacity value of 0 at 500 units away. Noti ...

Duplicating / Moving (to another level) an actor with a Hierarchical Instanced Static Mesh component causes a crash

UE - Graphics Features - Nov 14, 2016

When you have an actor with a Hierarchical Instanced Static Mesh component that has a Static Mesh set and is populated with at least 1 instance and then duplicate it or move it to another level, it ...

Panning in blueprints does not appear to be affect by windows pointer speed

Tools - Nov 14, 2016

The windows mouse speed settings appear to have no effect on the panning speed in blueprint. ...

Strange Behavior of Array of Structs default values

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Nov 14, 2016

When the default values of a struct are set in code and an array of the struct type are added as a class variable, creating a blueprint of the class with show array elements with the "reset defaults ...

Imported Null Socket Transforms Are Not Converted To Unreal Axis Orientation (Houdini)

Tools - Nov 14, 2016

When exporting an asset from Houdini with null objects the null objects don't convert their axis orientation correctly. The user stated the following in regards to the attached mesh: " You will se ...

Editor steals focus during packaging process due to Oculus SetForegroundWindow command

UE - Platform - XR - Nov 11, 2016

This also occurs in 4.13.2 This seems to be the offending line in the output log:OCULUS: Info: [HMDState] Requested to SetForegroundWindow(1304bcll) ...

Subtitle settings are ignored after editor restart

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Localization - Nov 11, 2016

If the Subtitles Enabled setting is set to false, subtitles will still display after restarting the editor regardless of Subtitles Forced Off setting. ...

Duplicating a folder in World Oultiner only duplicates the first actor in the folder

Tools - Nov 11, 2016

Duplicating a folder in World Oultiner only duplicates the first actor in the folder Regression (no) issue (does) occur in 4.12.5 ...

Mac OSX Shader compiling crash When Editor Launched from Symlink

UE - Platform - Apple - Nov 10, 2016

When the editor is launched via Symlink on a Mac, the Material Editor will crash when compiling or when building lighting on a level. This does not occur if the editor is launched from an external d ...