Hiding/Clearing Oculus Splash Screen has no effect

UE - Platform - XR - Jan 26, 2017

Splash screens never clear on oculus. Testing in 4.14 it seems like UOculusFunctionLibrary::HideLoadingSplashScreen() is never called, maybe still the case in newer versions? Was unable to clear a ...

Rotated component made into root displays incorrectly in the blueprint editor

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jan 25, 2017

Rotated component made into root displays incorrectly in the blueprint editor. Closing and reopening the BP editor corrects the displayed root component. ...

Persona code calling incorrect extenders when building menus.

OLD - Anim - Jan 25, 2017

Certain files for building menus is calling the wrong extenders List of known conflicting functions:FSkeletalMeshEditor::ExtendMenu() [Engine\Source\Editor\SkeletalMeshEditor\Private\SkeletalMeshEd ...

[Crash] UE4Editor-MetalRHI.dylib!ReportMetalCommandBufferFailure()

UE - Graphics Features - Jan 25, 2017

Crashes when resizing Standalone game window by dragging lower right corner to and fro to increase/decrease window size. [Link Removed] Error message: SEGV_MAPERR at 0x3 Source Context:none Mos ...

Second controller does not receive input if connected after editor launches

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Slate - Jan 25, 2017

If the editor is launched and PIE is started with no controllers attached, attached two controllers with allow Player1 to receive input from the first controller but Player2 does not receive input f ...

Cannot change the original casing used for parameter names

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jan 25, 2017

It appears that users cannot change the original casing used for parameter names after they have been set once. ...

Crash in DX12 UpdateTexture2D

UE - Graphics Features - Jan 24, 2017

RHIUpdateTexture2D uses the wrong size for the per-row memcpy, which means we can't support passing in an offset within a larger image in the SrcData pointer (doing so will result in an access viola ...

Set Anim Instance Class no longer works with Wheeled Vehicle Pawns

OLD - Anim - Jan 24, 2017

Set Anim Instance Class no longer works with Wheeled Vehicle Pawns Regression: YES Worked: 3172292 (4.13.2) Broken: 3249277 (4.14.3) ...

Dock visible in Standalone fullscreen on Mac

UE - Platform - Apple - Jan 24, 2017

If the game is set to show the mouse cursor, moving the cursor to the bottom of the window will bring up the Dock while in fullscreen. ...

Streaming Distance Multiplier Removed From Skel Mesh Settings

UE - Graphics Features - Jan 24, 2017

In 4.13 game developers had the option to adjust the streaming distance multiplier on their rigged characters in order to stop their textures mipping out in certain situations. This option has bee ...