DoNotCreateDefaultSubobject is not recognized when an actor is duplicated

UE - Foundation - Core - Mar 17, 2017

Adding DoNotCreateDefaultSubobject to a class after placing an instance of that class in the viewport will fail to be recognized when duplicating the placed instance. This is not a hot reload issue ...

Evaluate ClampedPow material function

UE - Graphics Features - Mar 16, 2017

ClampedPow seems to have been added as a way to tackle common compile warnings and edge cases (particularly NaNs), but the code shouldn't be calling both an abs() then a max(). This causes negative ...

Packaging Fails in a C++ Project with a Project Name Containing an Apostrophe

UE - Foundation - Core - Mar 16, 2017

Packaging fails in a C++ project when the Project Name field (Project Settings->Description->Project Name) contains an apostrophe. I've attached the logs from the 4.15 version of the project. Thi ...

Disabling LQ lightmaps causes crash on mobile preview

UE - Platform - Mobile - Mar 16, 2017

Crash Occurs When Switching Value on TMap

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Mar 15, 2017

The editor seems to be intermittently crashing when switching the value of a Map variable. I've only been able to get this to occur when switching from one type to a Vector at this time. ...

[CrashReport] Deleting pins on Switch on Gameplay Tag Container node can cause a crash

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Mar 15, 2017

When adding/removing pins on a Switch on Gameplay Tag Container node, it can cause a crash. There are multiple ways to get this to happen when deleting pins, the order given in the reproduction step ...

Camera turn rate in animation editor seems higher than it is in level viewport

OLD - Anim - Mar 14, 2017

In the animation editor, the viewport camera's turn rate seems very high, higher than the level editor's viewport camera. This makes it fairly easy to turn the camera a little too much, resulting i ...

Static Mesh Editor: Give options for drawing complex/simple collision

UE - Simulation - Physics - Mar 13, 2017

The collision mesh and the display mesh are often similar enough to be difficult to differentiate, and there is currently no way to view the collision wireframe without the display wireframe as well ...

Physics mesh does not sleep when it lands on skeletal mesh

UE - Simulation - Physics - Mar 10, 2017

When a physics mesh lands on a skeletal mesh, it will never go to sleep. ...

Compile error when connecting Literal enum node to Enum container Map type

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Mar 9, 2017

Compile error when connecting Literal enum node to Enum container Map type. If this connection isn't compatible, a "Byte to Enum" would be expected to be created. ...