Lighting Build Fails With High Density Foliage

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - Foliage - Jan 16, 2018

Trying to build lighting on a map with high density foliage will fail lighting build or cause the editor to crash. This occurs in 4.15, 4.16, 4.17, and 4.18. There have been multiple reports of this ...

Get unexpected surface normals result while using TextureBasedMorph

UE - Graphics Features - Jan 11, 2018

Meshes that animate via vertex deformations using worldposition offset display incorrect surface normals while animating. The reflections of the environment smear as the mesh moves making it look tr ...

Data loss when FPlane is implicitly converted to FVector4

UE - Foundation - Core - Jan 3, 2018

The FSceneView::Deproject function calls FMatrix::TransformVector4 and passes an FPlane value. TransformVector4 takes in an FVector4 parameter, so the value being passed is implicitly converted to F ...

Translucent Materials and Atmospheric Fog Appear Black or Pink on Mac

UE - Graphics Features - Jan 3, 2018

I tested this on a Mac Pro in UE 4.15, 4.16, 4.17, and 4.18. As a possible workaround for the fog issue, I've discovered that setting Atmospheric Fog > Lighting > Disable Ground Scatter to "True" wi ...

Preview Asset Becomes Detached from Socket When Renamed

Tools - Dec 28, 2017

4.17: The preview mesh disappears entirely when the name of the preview asset is changed When a preview asset is applied to a socket, and the socket is renamed, the preview asset becomes detached ...

Crash Occurs When Actors are Attached Across Persistent and Sublevels When Levels are Saved

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Dec 12, 2017

Can attach actors to each other through the use of sequencer even though actors are in different levels which leads to crashing when saving and changing levels F3DAttachTrackEditor::IsActorPickabl ...

Landscape Change Component Size Tool removes foliage from landscape

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - Foliage - Dec 12, 2017

Foliage painted onto a landscape will disappear when Sections per Component is changed from 1x1 to 2x2. Affects 4.17.2 CL 3658906, 4.18.2 CL 3794801, 4.19 Main Possible Workaround is to set the Re ...

Box Collision component with physics interacts with the player capsule when set to Overlap only

UE - Simulation - Physics - Dec 8, 2017

Box Collision component with physics interacts with the player capsule when set to Overlap only. This only seems to happen when both the Box Collision and the player capsule are set to Generate Ove ...

Exported Particle Emitter Tries to Reference Graphs of Original System

UE - Niagara - Dec 7, 2017

User reports that the bug was initially discovered in 4.18 and then reproduced in 4.16 project (attached). Per User: For some reason when exporting this emitter to any other system bugs out. When ...

Web browser does not receive keyboard focus without needing to click

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Dec 7, 2017

The Web browser widget does not appear to accept keyboard input until clicked. Even when opening a web page that has a text box that is selected by default (such as in the test project provided) and ...