Particles Don't Use Velocity "In World Space" Properly

UE - Graphics Features - Mar 17, 2017

The particle system has its initial velocity and its velocity/life in world space. It is expected that the particle's orientation won't influence the particle's velocity. That isn't the case though ...

Packaging With Nativize Blueprints Enabled Disabling AI Perception

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Runtime - Feb 24, 2017

Packaging a game with nativize blueprints enabled is preventing AI Perception from working. This has also been tested in a clean project where the AI Character would no longer be triggering its OnPe ...

Invalidation panel content in a widget component can become misaligned if Cache Relative Transforms is enabled

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Feb 14, 2017

When Cache Relative Transforms is enabled, panel content sometimes appears to update a frame late. This can cause the panel content to render outside of the panel. ...

Mouse control is not obtained when clicking on a game's title bar from another app

Tools - Jan 18, 2017

A licensee has reported that gaining focus of a UE4 game window by clicking the window's title bar results in the game only receiving keyboard input and no mouse input until you also click in the ga ...

Mouse dragging cursor accelerates significantly on Mac

Tools - Jan 18, 2017

This also occurs in 4.14.3 This does not occur on Windows. Could not get this issue to reproduce while recording the screen with quicktime player, but if you experience it in person it really feel ...

Crash profiling the TestBP_ProfilerMacros BP in PIE and pressing P

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jan 14, 2017

Editor is crashing attempting to Profile in QAGame ...

Command Alt Drag Produces Erratic Results on Mac

UE - Platform - Apple - Jan 11, 2017

Holding down Command + Alt + Drag to select an area in the Mac OSX environment will often result in erratic behavior from the cursor, causing the cursor to move exponentially beyond the area that th ...

"Allow Custom Depth Writes" Creates Artifacts In Depth Buffer

UE - Graphics Features - Jan 5, 2017

When a transparent material has "Allow Custom Depth Writes" enabled it is prone to have artifacts in the custom depth buffer under specific conditions. The conditions are as follows:The translucent ...

[CrashReport] UE4Editor_Renderer!FBatchingSPDI::DrawMesh() [primitivesceneinfo.cpp:47]

UE - Graphics Features - Jan 3, 2017

Error message: Assertion failed: Mesh.VertexFactory->IsInitialized() [Link Removed] [Line: 45] Source Context: 32 // Keep a reference to the hit proxy from the FPrimitiveSceneInfo, to ensu ...

Mesh reduction crash with asset imported using FBX Scene Importer

UE - Graphics Features - Nov 30, 2016

The editor will crash when using Mesh Reduction on an asset imported using the FBX Scene Import options. This same asset will not crash the editor if it has been imported using the normal Import opt ...