Build fails when using the Windows 10 SDK

UE - Foundation - Build - Farm - Aug 14, 2017

Attempting to build the Engine using the Windows 10 SDK currently fails. This was tested on both a Windows 7 and Windows 10 machine using both Visual Studio 2015 and Visual Studio 2017. ...

[CrashReport] UE4Editor_Engine!FDefaultMaterialInstance::GetMaterial() [material.cpp:243]

UE - Graphics Features - Aug 14, 2017

This is a trending crash coming out of the 4.17 release that also occurred with some frequency during 4.16. User DescriptionsTrying to apply a material (Normal, Metallic&Roughness, and Basic)I was ...

Chained physics constraints do not work correctly when one constraint is limited

UE - Simulation - Physics - Aug 12, 2017

A chain of physics constraints that includes a physics constraint that is set to Limited does not work correctly. When collision occurs, the attached actors start moving erratically. Regression?: N ...

Actions opening code files don't bring Visual Studio to the foreground if it's already open

Tools - Aug 11, 2017

In the editor, any action that opens a code file will not bring Visual Studio to the foreground if it's already opened. This was tested with:Right-click asset > Open header file.Clicking Parent Cla ...

Instanced Static Mesh components update incorrectly in Standalone and Packaged game

UE - Gameplay - Aug 11, 2017

Instanced Static Mesh components update incorrectly in Standalone and Packaged game. When hit, all of the instanced static mesh components will snap to a singular location instead of each individual ...

Go To Definition fails quietly for Native functions with no definitions

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Aug 11, 2017

Go To Definition fails for Set and Map Utility nodes (does not seem to affect Arrays). A warning similar to the following appears in the output log:LogSelectionDetails: Warning: NavigateToFunctionS ...

Spring Arm rotation only prints Yaw after 4.17 conversion

UE - Gameplay - Aug 11, 2017

Spring Arm rotation only prints Yaw after 4.17 conversion. In 4.16 it would print the Yaw, Pitch, and Rotation as expected. The spring arm by itself prints the rotation correctly but once a camera ...

Split Struct pins cause errors when a project is converted to 4.17

UE - Gameplay - Aug 11, 2017

Split Struct pins cause errors when a project is converted to 4.17. You are still unable to split struct pins even if a new variable is created for the struct. Only adding a new variable to the st ...

PerInstanceRandom does not work on Instanced Static Meshes spawned at runtime

UE - Graphics Features - Aug 11, 2017

PerInstanceRandom does not provide a random value when the material is being used on an Instanced Static Mesh that is spawned at runtime, the value is always the same. Regression?: Yes This did not ...

Crash occurs on Mac when using the Command-S keyboard shortcut to save a Blueprint if the Mac input language is set to Japanese Romaji

UE - Platform - Apple - Aug 10, 2017

The Editor will crash when using the keyboard Command-S shortcut to save a Blueprint after adding a node if the Mac is set to use Japanese Romaji input. The crash actually seems to occur as soon as ...