Mesh Decals render Flat when Combined with a Translucent Material Element on the same Mesh

UE - Graphics Features - Jan 11, 2017

A licensee is reporting an issue with mesh decals rendering incorrectly when created as a Material ID (Material Element) and assigning a translucent material to the shared mesh. The use case exampl ...

[CrashReport] UE4Editor_Renderer!FBatchingSPDI::DrawMesh() [primitivesceneinfo.cpp:47]

UE - Graphics Features - Jan 3, 2017

Error message: Assertion failed: Mesh.VertexFactory->IsInitialized() [Link Removed] [Line: 45] Source Context: 32 // Keep a reference to the hit proxy from the FPrimitiveSceneInfo, to ensu ...

Colored Lights On Edge Of Screen In Cascade Preview Window

UE - Niagara - Dec 20, 2016

While working in cascade (also in editor) with particles or stronger emissive values, glowing lights will appear at the edge of the screen. Note With bugs like this they seem to be tied to Radeon C ...

Engine Hangs after Exiting Standalone Mode

UE - Graphics Features - Dec 1, 2016

Users are reporting hangs after exiting Standalone or other various windows launched through the editor. The resolution has already been found, but I am reporting for transparency. Note In order t ...

Mesh reduction crash with asset imported using FBX Scene Importer

UE - Graphics Features - Nov 30, 2016

The editor will crash when using Mesh Reduction on an asset imported using the FBX Scene Import options. This same asset will not crash the editor if it has been imported using the normal Import opt ...

[CrashReport] UE4Editor_UnrealEd!UTransBuffer::Cancel() [editortransaction.cpp:697]

Tools - Nov 17, 2016

This Jira was created from CrashReports submitted by the public due to the high number of occurrences. Error message: Assertion failed: (Index >= 0) & (Index < ArrayNum) [Link Removed] [Line: 833] ...

GlobalShaderCache file is missing when Direct X 11 SM5 is disabled for packaging

UE - Graphics Features - Nov 16, 2016

When trying to launch a .exe after disabling SM5 in the project settings, an error will appear. The global shader cache file ../../../../Engine/GlobalShaderCache-PCD3D_SM5.bin is missing. ...

FRenderTarget::ReadPixels does not populate FColor array properly in packaged build

UE - Graphics Features - Nov 1, 2016

When the ReadPixels function is called, the FColor array that is passed in has its elements populated when in PIE and Standalone but array elements are empty in a packaged project. ...

Lightmaps for BSPs remain unbuilt after building lighting for lighting scenarios

UE - Graphics Features - Oct 31, 2016

BSPs display as unbuilt lighting interactions after building lighting for lighting scenarios. This occurs for BSPs that are not in a scenario as well as ones that are in a sublevel marked as a light ...

BuildData needs to be released from level when it is unloaded

Tools - Oct 28, 2016

User is not able to load a build data asset without loading the level first. This can cause issues when trying to manage Source Control with the asset. ...