Crash when BP_LightStage SkyLight Cubemap Resolution changed by spinning value

UE - Graphics Features - Nov 28, 2017

Engine crashes when the value in the Cubemap Resolution for the SkyLight component in the BP_LightStage is changed by spinning the value. This asset is found within the Advanced_Lighting map of a B ...

Crash when compiling Camera Component BP with PostProcessSettings visible

UE - Gameplay - Nov 28, 2017

When compiling a blueprint derived from a Camera Component with PostProcessSettings showing in the details panel the Editor crashes. This does not occur in 4.17.2 (3658906) so in addition to a crash ...

Level remains dirty after saving when using instance static mesh and enabling World Composition

Tools - Nov 28, 2017

If world composition is in enabled and an instance static mesh actor has been added to the scene the level will remain dirty after compiling. ...

Overriding blueprint function first in grandchild class then in child class renames grandchild function

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Nov 28, 2017

If you have a blueprint A with a child blueprint B, and child of the child blueprint C, overriding a function with a return parameter originally declared in blueprint A in the blueprint C, and then ...

Mouse movements during Simulate will slightly move Skeletal Mesh actors that are simulating physics

UE - Simulation - Physics - Nov 27, 2017

Mouse movements during Simulate will slightly move Skeletal Mesh actors that are simulating physics. This also effects physics assets in the PhAT editor during simulate. The effect is small but I wa ...

Actors Do Not Remain Attached When Sequence is Saved and Reopened

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Nov 27, 2017

Link to youtube video of workflow: (Link can also be found in UDN post) [Link Removed] Spawned actors do not stay attached following the method above when the Sequence is saved and reopened ...

Rotated Collision doesn't scale to Static Mesh

OLD - Anim - Nov 27, 2017

Collisions only transform properly on the Y axis when set at an angle. Scaling on the X & Z axis causes the collision to not cover initially set areas on the parent object. As stated by the licensee ...

Skeletal Mesh scales incorrectly if RigidBody node is used in Animation Blueprint, then the character blueprint is scaled

OLD - Anim - Nov 27, 2017

Skeletal Mesh scales incorrectly if RigidBody node is used in Animation Blueprint and then the character blueprint is scaled. If the character blueprint is scale to extreme sizes (3.0) the effect i ...

Material Instance Parameter Values Reset When Renamed

UE - Rendering Architecture - Materials - Nov 27, 2017

Per Licensee: We would like to change some of their parameter names, however when renaming a parameter, its value in all of the corresponding material instances resets to the base material default ...

Nested components do not appear in proper order in viewport instances

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Nov 22, 2017

When an actor contains a nested component (components declared inside another component class), the hierarchy for the actor blueprint does not match the hierarchy of a placed instance of the actor ...