TextScale parameter doesn't change size of text in AddOnScreenDebugMessage()

UE - Foundation - Core - Jun 16, 2018

The textScale parameter in AddOnScreenDebugMessage does not change the scale of the debug message. ...

Colors of Individual Lens Flare Tints Cannot be Changed in UE 4.18+

UE - Graphics Features - Jun 15, 2018

If you create a project in 4.17 and follow the Repro steps, you will be able to adjust the colors of individual lens flares. If you copy the 4.17 project into 4.18, 4.19, 4.20 Preview, or 4.21 the f ...

Copy Pose From Mesh Node Does Not Preview in Sequencer

OLD - Anim - Jun 13, 2018

Copy Pose From Mesh node does not affect the animation when previewing in Sequencer. This works when played in the editor. ...

GetWorldTimerManager() function can crash if called when no valid World is present

UE - Gameplay - Jun 13, 2018

A crash can occur within GetWorldTimerManager() if the function is called when no valid World is present. It is not necessarily intuitive to have to make sure that GetWorld() will not return a nullp ...

Blueprint Diff tool does not mark changed properties as having been changed if they are in a custom nested category

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jun 12, 2018

The Blueprint Diff tool does not highlight properties that have been changed from a previous version of the Blueprint if those properties are contained in a custom nested category. REGRESSION: No. ...

Changing the Level Streaming method will remove Levels from folders they were placed in

Tools - Jun 12, 2018

Changing the Level Streaming Method of a Level thats inside of a folder will remove it from the folder. Occasionally once all Levels have been removed from a folder, the folder will delete itself. ...

Cannot access properties of the FAppleARKitFrame struct from within a Blueprint

UE - Platform - XR - Jun 8, 2018

It is not possible to access properties of the {FAppleARKitFrame}} struct within a Blueprint. The struct itself is exposed as a BlueprintType, but none of its properties are also exposed. ...

Cannot successfully create a local binary build of the Engine that includes iOS

UE - Foundation - Build - Rocket (Installed Engine) - Jun 6, 2018

Attempting to create a local binary build of the Engine that includes iOS currently fails. The error message that appears ("ERROR: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was ...

Find Materials Does Not Import Materials for Alembic or Geometry Cache File

OLD - Anim - Jun 6, 2018

Alembic file materials do not import into the editor when Find Materials is selected. -Create Materials is also not creating materials for imported ABC asset. -Asset was created in Maya 2016, unwr ...

No return value for the Add nodes for Map/Set variables

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jun 5, 2018

Add nodes for variables using the container type Set/Map do not have a return values that states if an element was successfully added. The tool tip states that this should be the case. This return v ...