Calling DiscardPlayerInput() does not appear to actually discard the player's input

UE - Gameplay - Jun 19, 2018

Calling DiscardPlayerInput() does not appear to actually discard the player input. The comment for the function indicates that input will be consumed and discarded without doing anything with it. Ho ...

Morph Target Previewer does not refresh during Reimport

Tools - Jun 19, 2018

Reimporting an asset with Morph Targets does not refresh the Morph Target Previewer. Any newly-imported Morph Targets appear to not have been imported. Closing and reopening the Skeletal Mesh Editor ...

Project deadlocks when using FClassFinder to find an AnimInstance UObject

UE - Foundation - Core - Jun 19, 2018

The project hangs on load when using ConstructorHelpers::FClassFinder to find an AnimInstance UObject. ...

ActorComponent and 'SubComponent' Blueprint Default values are being overridden by Class Default values

UE - Gameplay - Jun 18, 2018

Blueprint Actor values inherit the Class Default Object values instead of its Blueprint Default Object values. ...

Scaling with Vive Controllers in VR Mode with Blueprint Editor Open Causes Windows to Jitter Violently

UE - Editor - Workflow Systems - Jun 18, 2018

On Mac in VR Mode, when scaling the world with the controllers while the Blueprint Editor open, all open windows begin jitterring violently. This only occurs if the Blueprint Editor is one of the op ...

Importing Alembic/ABC File with Large Number of Morph Targets Breaks Morph Targets

OLD - Anim - Jun 18, 2018

When importing abc files with several morph targets (as a skeletal mesh), some morphs do not import and the ones that do are distorted(see screenshots and attached project) -Number of morphs is no ...

TextScale parameter doesn't change size of text in AddOnScreenDebugMessage()

UE - Foundation - Core - Jun 16, 2018

The textScale parameter in AddOnScreenDebugMessage does not change the scale of the debug message. ...

Unable to call several functions in UMovieSceneParameterSection due to them not being exposed outside of the module

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Jun 14, 2018

The AddScalarParameterKey(), AddVectorParameterKey(), and AddColorParameterKey() functions in the UMovieSceneParameterSection class are not currently exposed to be called from outside of the module. ...

Crashes Caused by Deinitialization of Variables with Specific Names

UE - Gameplay - Components - Jun 14, 2018

I was able to repro the crash in 4.19. Unable to open sample project in 4.20 or 4.21. Per Licensee: While porting one of our classes from using UMaterialBillboardComponent to a hand rolled Billboar ...

Enable HDR Display Output on Game User Settings Crash

UE - Graphics Features - Jun 14, 2018

Crash when attempting to enable HDR via UserSettings This crash will also occur when project is fullscreen. User's Environment: "I have an Nvidia GTX 1080 Ti and have two monitors attached: 1. ...