IOS binaries are not included when a plugin is packaged for IOS using a binary Engine installation

UE - Foundation - Cpp Tools - UnrealBuildTool - Aug 7, 2018

Packaging a plugin for the IOS platform on a Mac completes successfully, but there are no IOS binaries included in the packaged plugin. Once the package process completes, the packaged plugin only c ...

Using a Sub Anim Instance causes a "Sub Instance Loop" Compile Error

OLD - Anim - Aug 7, 2018

Using a Sub Anim Instance causes a sub instance loop error when referencing another Animation Blueprint. This is a regression from 4.19.2 (CL-4033788) as it complied without error. This issue was r ...

UMG Widget Set Focus in Standalone broken

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Aug 7, 2018

Focus is no longer set on UMG 3D Widget when playing in Standalone. (PIE works in both versions) Also verified in Main CL# 4247867 ...

Ensure when pasting copied nodes into an Object

UE - Gameplay - Aug 7, 2018

When copy and pasting nodes from an Actor Blueprint to an Object Blueprint the Editor stalls for a bit and an ensure occurs. This issue was reported and tested in 4.19.2 (CL-4033788). This issue ...

Assert running Datasmith from Blutility via a Commandlet

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Datasmith - Importer - Aug 6, 2018

Launching the Editor/Datasmith from Blutility via a Commandlet that is importing a .stp file causes the Editor to not launch with an assert.  ...

Oculus Touch: Gamepad Special Left/Right inputs swapped

UE - Platform - XR - Aug 6, 2018

GamepadSpecialLeft and GamepadSpecialRight inputs are swapped on Touch Controllers. Inputs are working as intended on an Xbox controller. Problem may have been introduced by Oculus, I created a 4. ...

Scene Capture Component "SetShowOnlyActors" no longer exposed to Blueprints

Tools - Aug 6, 2018

SetShowOnlyActors of category Scene Capture Component is no longer exposed to Blueprints. Also missing in Main CL# 4247867 ...

CurrentTransaction ensure when duplicating an EQS generator

UE - AI - Aug 3, 2018

When duplicating a Generator inside an Environment Query, the action triggers an ensure and stalls the Editor for a few moments. This issue was reported and tested in 4.19.2 (CL-4033788). It was r ...

"Expose on Spawn" variables in Actor Components are overridden by the details value.

UE - Gameplay - Aug 2, 2018

"Expose on Spawn" variables in Actor Components are overridden by the value set in their Details Panel when called in another Blueprint. This issue was reported and tested in 4.20.1 (CL-4233996). ...

Flickering Meshes after removing HISM instances

UE - Graphics Features - Aug 2, 2018

Removing HISMs in a packaged project causes meshes to remain and flicker in a packaged project. (Inclusive Nativization is enabled in test project, but issue occurs with nativization disabled as we ...