Action RPG- ARPG CharacterBase::GetHealth() Null Crash

Docs - Samples - May 16, 2019

In Action RPG Sample, NPC Blueprints "NPC_Goblin_Level_01,02.03"  cannot be Duplicated.   Crash results lead to ARPGCharacterBase.Cpp Get Health function. float ARPGCharacterBase::GetHealth() const ...

Rotate child relative to parent and a grandchild or great grandchild will leave collision box behind

UE - Simulation - Physics - May 15, 2019

The collision with meshes appear to be broken in relation to parent and a grandchild or great grandchild collision boxes. ...

Animation Blueprint with Shared Transition "marked" dirty

OLD - Anim - May 14, 2019

Animation Blueprints which contain a shared transition used to transition between two animation states will be marked as "dirty" every time the blueprint is compiled and re-opened. ...

High-Poly Meshes with DistanceToNearestSurface is Completely White

UE - Graphics Features - May 14, 2019

The distance field materials do not work on a High Poly mesh.   Found in 4.19 CL# 4033788, 4.20 CL# 4369336, 4.21 CL# 4753647, 4.22 CL# 6063286, 4.23 CL# 6398642 ...

UDistributionFloat member resets to null upon Blueprint Compile

UE - Gameplay - May 14, 2019

A UDistributionFloat property is reset to NULL when compiling a Blueprint sub-class of a C++ class that has a UDistributionFloat property. ...

Actors with large numbers of components cause long hitches during cooking

UE - Foundation - Core - Cooker - May 14, 2019

Actors with large numbers of components cause long hitches during cooking. Here is a brief profile from Very Sleepy of the process while the editor was cooking: [Image Removed] ...

Private lobbies cannot be invited to on Steam

UE - Online - May 13, 2019

The old method doesn't work with private match invites as it doesn't have the right security permissions. It's still valid for dedicated servers. It also doesn't work properly with lobbies on VR eit ...

Mesh and Preview Character BP Stuck in "In Air" Animation

UE - Gameplay - Player Movement - May 13, 2019

Checking the Run Physics with No Controller box in an animation Blueprint causes the Mannequin to change over to the "In Air" animation state. This will only occur after making the change then compi ...

Procedural Foliage Volume: Simulate() function doesn't work in Blue Print

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - Foliage - May 10, 2019

Procedural Foliage Volumes can be resimulated by clicking the Resimulate button. But they can't be resimulated from Blueprints, even if there is a Simulate() function that can be executed. Found in ...

Actor Component gets displayed above Scene Component when making a new root

UE - Gameplay - Components - May 10, 2019

Making a scene component the new root component results in the actor component being displayed above the scene component hierarchy ...