UClass::HasProperty() returns true for properties in a child class even though the comment for the function indicates it checks for the property in the current class and parents of the current class

UE - Foundation - Core - Dec 21, 2018

The comment describing UClass::HasProperty() indicates that it checks to see if a specified property exists in a class, or a parent of that class. However, when a property that exists in a child of ...

Static array based on an enum does not show the enum element names if a C-style cast is used with a space between the type being cast to and the enum

UE - Foundation - Core - Dec 21, 2018

A static array based on an enum does not display the enum names in Blueprints if the size of the static array uses an explicit C-style cast with a space between the type being cast to and the enum b ...

Details panel for Actor Component is blank in any Blueprint that derives from a code class using that Actor Component after the Actor Component's class name is changed

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Dec 20, 2018

Changing the name of an Actor Component code class in a project results in any existing Blueprints that derive from code classes that use that Actor Component to not display the Actor Component's pr ...

Unable to change Blueprint Child Variable values in Python

UE - Editor - Workflow Systems - Dec 20, 2018

Using the Python function unreal.SystemLibrary.set_bool_property_by_name() to change the default variable values of a child Blueprint do not work as intended. Tested in 4.20.3 (CL - 4369336), 4.21. ...

Collision Problems on Meshes with Collision Complexity Setting UseComplexAsSimple

UE - Simulation - Physics - Dec 20, 2018

Collision does not appear to work properly on a static mesh that is set up with UseComplexCollisionAsSimple. ...

Extra column that cannot be edited is shown in Property Matrix when editing a Data Asset

Tools - Dec 19, 2018

When using the Property Matrix to edit a Data Asset, there is an extra column shown named "Native Class" that cannot be edited. This is most likely due to the code only checking to see if a property ...

Planar Reflections Not Behaving As Expected in Splitscreen

UE - Graphics Features - Dec 19, 2018

This occurs in //UE4/Main @ CL 4670176 Not a Regression. This is similar to https://jira.it.epicgames.net/browse/UE-59149 but when adding more player characters it seems to change the planar reflec ...

Playing video in the Editor's Media Player on a Mac results in a degradation in quality with some noticeable banding present

UE - Platform - Apple - Dec 19, 2018

Playing a video on a Mac using the Editor's Media Player results in the video appearing to have had its data compressed, and with an apparent decrease in quality. In particular, there is noticeable ...

CameraPosition Node in a Material Shader does not behave correctly with Metal

UE - Platform - Mobile - Dec 19, 2018

When using a CameraPosition Node in a Material Shader, it does not behave correctly with Metal. Working as expected in 4.20 CL# 4369336 Found in 4.21 CL# 4613538 and 4.22 CL# 4666322 ...

CircleDOF Creates Artifacts When Close to a Translucent Surface With an Object Behind It

UE - Graphics Features - Dec 19, 2018

With CircleDOF enabled artifacts will occur when getting close to a translucent plane with an object behind it. This does not occur with any other DOF method or if "Render After DOF" is disabled in ...