Unable to create derived classes of UPostProcessComponent

UE - Graphics Features - Jul 5, 2019

Using the Super functions for OnRegister, OnUnregister, Serialize when defining their functionality in a derived class of UPostProcessComponent causes a linker error. Tested in 4.21.2 (CL - 4753647 ...

Motion Blur Applied Incorrectly in Ortho SceneCapture2D

UE - Graphics Features - Jul 5, 2019

Motion Blur is applied incorrectly in a SceneCapture2D set to orthographic perspective. Works as expected in 4.21 CL# 4753647 Found in 4.22 CL# 7053642, 4.23 CL# 7208101, and 4.24 CL# 7223946 Thi ...

Set Skeletal Mesh does not replicate or multicast to Clients

UE - Networking - Jul 5, 2019

The Set Skeletal Mesh function does not replicate or multicast to other Clients. In Setup A (Level Blueprint) only the Sever Character is changed on either the Client or Server. In Setup B (ThirdPer ...

Orbit Selected actor feature is offset after panning

Tools - Jul 3, 2019

After panning the camera the orbit feature will become offset and can lead to the object no longer being in view while orbiting. ...

Editor Crashes when Isolating a Material Element on Skeletal Meshes with Ray Tracing Enabled

UE - Graphics Features - Lumen - Jul 3, 2019

With ray tracing turned on, clicking on the isolate material option next to a material slot on a skeletal mesh with more than one material slot, causes the editor to crash. Found in 4.22 CL# 7053647 ...

UHT fails to parse non-inlined UFUNCTION with RESTRICT keyword in parameter list

UE - Foundation - Cpp Tools - UnrealHeaderTool - Jul 2, 2019

When you have a non-inlined ufunction, UHT fails to parse the restrict keyword in its parameter list. Note: The following compiles (notice that the only change is the use of the FORCEINLINE keywo ...

Crash when Rendering a Sequence at resolutions higher than 4K with DX12 and Ray Tracing Enabled

UE - Rendering Architecture - RHI - Jul 2, 2019

The Editor will crash when rendering a sequence at 7680x7680 with dx12 and ray tracing enabled. Found in 4.22 CL# 7053642, 4.23 CL# 7208101, 4.24 CL# 7210422 ...

UAbilitySystemComponent's CurrentMontageStop() function does not use OverrideBlendOutTime Float Parameter.

UE - Gameplay - Jul 2, 2019

In the attached example, the third person mannequin character's BeginPlay() runs an Ability_Task which starts an animation montage. In the task it is specified that the blend out time (BlendOutTime ...

Indirect lighting not working for meshes

UE - Graphics Features - Jul 2, 2019

Materials using the WorldAlignedTextures_Complex node causes the static meshes they are applied to to not receive indirect lighting. Tested in 4.21.2 (CL - 4753647), 4.22.3 (CL - 7053642), 4.23 (CL ...

Compiling Child Blueprint and editing child component's class value, results in parent component's value being changed under certain compile conditions.

UE - Gameplay - Jul 2, 2019

Compiling Child Blueprint and editing child component's class value, results in parent component's value being changed under certain compile conditions. "This is because they're now pointing to t ...