'Set from Euler (Quat)' and 'Set Components (Quat)' BP nodes have no output.

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Mar 18, 2019

'Set from Euler (Quat)' and 'Set Components (Quat)' BP nodes have no output. These nodes are new in 4.22 Confirmed in MAIN @ CL 5423420 ...

Translating with Camera lags when Use Distance-Scaled Camera Speed is true

Tools - Mar 18, 2019

Hold shift no longer appears to correctly lock on to object in the editor while they are being translated. This appears to be a regression ...

GetKnownPerceivedActors doesn't stop calling when specified AISense should be forgotten

UE - AI - Mar 17, 2019

There is a difference in implementation and set of checks that are made in GetKnownPerceivedActors() depending on if you use specific SenseClass or leave it as nullptr (so it will return info for al ...

Net Dormancy does not apply to initial replication for clients

UE - Networking - Mar 15, 2019

A user has reported that Net Dormancy is currently giving inconsistent and unexpected results. Their original report was that Net Dormancy was preventing replicated actors from disappearing when the ...

Structures don't save map elements that point to an asset reference

UE - Gameplay - Mar 15, 2019

Adding map elements to a structure does not retain the information after saving and closing the project. This only appears to happen after you add a considerable number of Map containers inside a st ...

PlanarReflectionCaptureComponent preview crash

UE - Graphics Features - Mar 15, 2019

Toggling the Preview Plane boolean for the Planar Reflection Capture Component causes the editor to crash. Tested in 4.22 (CL - 5365847), 4.23 (CL - 5408081) ...

Far Shadow Cascades fade out based on the length of the Distance Field Shadows

UE - Graphics Features - Mar 14, 2019

Far Shadow Cascades are fading out based on the length of the Distance Field Shadows. Causing the shadows to cut out abruptly. ...

Crash: Unhandled exception UE4Editor_Renderer!FMobileBasePassMeshProcessor::Process

UE - Graphics Features - Mar 14, 2019

HUD can cause a crash when used with Mobile. "When running from visual studio exception happens here: https://github.com/EpicGames/UnrealEngine/blob/4.22/Engine/Source/Runtime/Renderer/Private/Mobi ...

Editor can crash while performing a Hot Reload after a custom UClass class is added to the project

UE - Foundation - Cpp Tools - Hot Reload - Mar 14, 2019

Performing a Hot Reload after creating a custom UClass class can result in a crash. This was reported on Linux, but reproduced on Windows. Additional testing will be done on Linux to confirm the is ...

The texture preview does not update in the Texture Sample

UE - Rendering Architecture - Materials - Mar 14, 2019

The preview image for the Texture Sample Node does not update when the Texture parameter is linked to a Texture Object. Tested in 4.21.2 (CL - 4753647), 4.22 (CL - 5365847), 4.23(CL - 5396611) ...