Second controller input doesn't work in fullscreen mode on PIE.

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Jun 29, 2020

When two controllers connected, player2 input is disabled in full screen mode in PIE. This doesn't appear to be in focus. If seeing the any focusing widget, player1 focused on SViewport, but player ...

Post Process Material + Stereo Rendering = Left Eye Black

UE - Platform - XR - Dec 16, 2019

Left Eye Renders black in VR when a PostProcess Material is applied. On Quest Right eye renders post process mat and left eye renders scene, but upsidedown. Also occurs in Packaged Project and/or ...

Motion Controllers fail to track during Launch On

UE - Platform - XR - Jan 8, 2020

The Editor is failing to track or receive input from connected SteamVR motion controllers during a launch on. It appears that the editor isn't locating the action manifest. If the user enters VR Pr ...

Changing the engine quality settings will cause the editor to crash

UE - Graphics Features - Feb 27, 2020

Changing the engine quality settings to low or medium will cause the editor to crash  This was tested in 4.24.3 @ CL 11590231 and doesn't occur, so this is marked as a regression.  Mac Environme ...

Calling Array_Identical in a blueprint results in a compile failure with nativization

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - May 13, 2020

REGRESSION Does not occur in 4.24 Blueprints that call Array_Identical results in a failure during nativization:F:/Projects/Release/TestNativizeArray/Intermediate/Plugins/NativizedAssets/Windows/Ga ...

Standalone network profiler UI is cut off and unuseable at default DPI scale

UE - Networking - Sep 4, 2020

The network profiler C# exectuable that shipped in 4.25 is not fully useable on either my development machine or my home machine, because part of the UI is cut off below the window no matter how I r ...

UBlueprintFileUtilsBPLibrary is inaccessible through Python script

UE - Editor - Workflow Systems - Oct 7, 2020

The BlueprintFileUtilsBPLibrary API is not accessible through python scripts run in the editor. Attempting to run a script utilizing BplueprintFileUtilsBPLibrary results in:LogPython: Error: Traceb ...

Painted Vertex colors are not retained when using "Convert Selection to Blueprint Class" in Child Actor mode

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Aug 25, 2020

From the User Submission: I spent some time poking through the FComponentInstanceDataCache code and noticed that there is no component instance data saved/applied for'native' component types, so si ...

[CrashReport] GPUCrash - exiting due to D3D device being lost - D3D Hung - Nvidia

UE - Graphics Features - May 14, 2019

Separating [Link Removed] into Nvidia and AMD tickets.This ticket will house Nvidia information Exported data on 5/14/2019 with following Query:1 Month Time FrameMajorVersion is 4.22.1Callstack Con ...

VSCode finds intellisense errors in Project source files: cannot open source file "UBT_COMPILED_PLATFORM/UBT_COMPILED_PLATFORMPlatformCompilerPreSetup.h"

UE - Foundation - Cpp Tools - Jan 28, 2020

VSCode finds intellisense errors in Project source files: cannot open source file "UBT_COMPILED_PLATFORM/UBT_COMPILED_PLATFORMPlatformCompilerPreSetup.h" Similar to [Link Removed], but that was onl ...