Output warning log message for loading source texture of paper2D in Editor.

UE - Gameplay - Paper2D - Jul 30, 2020

Outputs a warning log for loading source texture when Papaer2D is loaded in Editor.  This may be due to a conflict post load of Paper2D and load source texture.  The warning log is output only in  ...

FBX exporting from Sequencer is inconsistent when both an object and one of its components have a transform track

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Jul 30, 2020

When both an object and one of its components have transform tracks, exporting to an FBX will have inconsistent results.  ...

Crash compiling a blueprint after changing a Text variable to String, while the Details panel are visible

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Jul 29, 2020

Crash occurs when the user changes a Text variable to a String while the Details panel is displaying its properties, and then compiling. Crash does not seem to occur if the Details are not visible. ...

Cloth rendering issue on triangles sharing kinematic attachments.

UE - Simulation - Physics - Character - Jul 29, 2020

All render vertices on any cloth triangle that contains one or two fixed vertex are set as fixed, whereas this should only be the case if all three vertices were fixed. ...

"REFLECTION CAPTURES NEED TO BE REBUILT" is displayed on a cooked game.

UE - Graphics Features - Lumen - Jul 29, 2020

This issue occurs when streaming levels including reflection captures are displayed with  delay. When it finishes loading assets, reflection capture textures are uploaded to the GPU. Then the leve ...

Reverting a BP interface category does not update the context menu

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Jul 28, 2020

Assertion failed: Engine crushes when a geometry collection hits a landscape

UE - Simulation - Physics - Jul 27, 2020

This is because THeightField::PhiWithNormal has not been implemented yet. ...

Black flickering on Mesh particles when the Renderer is set to a non-default Facing Mode or using Orient Mesh to Vector and when using Particle Position in the Material's WPO

UE - Niagara - Jul 23, 2020

Black flickering on Mesh particles when set to a non-default Facing Mode or using Orient Mesh to Vector and when using Particle Position in the Material's World Position Offset ...

Fragments of a geometry collection go through complex collision

UE - Simulation - Physics - Destruction - Jul 23, 2020

Fragments of a geometry collection can not hit the mesh which is set "Use complex collision as simple" ...

Random Tri Coord Using Vertex Color Filter doesn't filter correctly

UE - Niagara - Jul 22, 2020

The Random Tri Coord Using Vertex Color Filter module does not filter correctly.  ...