Character Jump Height is dependent on framerate

UE - Gameplay - Player Movement - Jul 17, 2020

Character jump height is dependent on framerate, where lower framerate can result in reduced jump height. ...

Lightmaps not carrying over with 'Save Current As'

UE - Graphics Features - Lumen - Jul 17, 2020

I can reproduce it, other developers reported to me too.  Not a problem in 4.22 ...

Licensee reports 2048x2048 SceneCapture rendering causes flickering on Android

UE - Platform - Mobile - Jul 17, 2020

Licensee reports 2048x2048 scene capture rendering causes on-screen flickering, that disappears when a 512x512 resolution is used. ...

Core Class Redirect doesn't work when converting from a C++ class to a BP

UE - Foundation - Core - Jul 16, 2020

The Export map will properly be updated but the creation of the import will fail with SourceIndex == INDEX_NONE From MarcA:  I'm guessing the import source index is always none for native classe ...

Landscape normal behaves differently on CPU vs GPU

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Landscape - Jul 16, 2020

One of our licensees encountered this issue. Landscape normal is calculated differently on GPU vs CPU. See screenshot below: left is GPU (with Edit Layers enabled) and CPU (Layers disabled) [Image ...

FName diff in transaction will report all names as different if ordering is not properly maintained

UE - Editor - Jul 15, 2020

All FName in transaction diff will be reported as modified if ordering isn't properly maintained making the proper uses of undo client `MatchesContext` not properly accurate ...

Interfaces implemented and then removed from a parent BP still show a phantom reference from child BPs until they are recompiled and saved

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Jul 15, 2020

See repro steps. The phantom references can be fixed by recompiling the child BP and saving it. Note that just loading ChildBP2 does not fix/remove the reference during compile-on-load, so it's a ...

Take recorder does not record detachment and multiple attachments correctly.

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Jul 14, 2020

Recording attachment will can add multiple sections to an attach track in Take Recorder. ...

Local space particle with SkeletalMeshLocation on scaled mesh is doubly scaled

UE - Niagara - Jul 14, 2020

MeshCurrSamplingBonesBuffer already has scaled bone transforms, but these scales have not been cancelled out when using local space. ...

Ensure condition failed : SkeletalMeshLocation module on scaled SkeletalMesh

UE - Niagara - Jul 14, 2020

The message in ensure is below LogOutputDevice: Error: === Handled ensure: === LogOutputDevice: Error: Ensure condition failed: (FMath::Abs(1.f - M.GetScaledAxis(EAxis::X).SizeSquared()) <= (1.e-4 ...