Geometry Collection crashing in Vulkan

UE - Simulation - Physics - Dec 2, 2019

After adding a Cube to the Viewport and creating a Geometry Collection the Editor will crashing in the Vulkan RHI. This crash does not happen in DirectX or if the Geometry Collection is made before ...

Instanced Foliage Actor painted on an Actor who is attached to a Parent Actor, does not update transform when Parent is moved.

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - Foliage - Dec 2, 2019

Instanced Foilage Actor painted on an Actor who is attached to a Parent Actor, does not update transform when Parent is moved. Note:  The foliage will move if the base actor is moved directly, inde ...

The Details Panel overlaps search bars when resized

Tools - Dec 2, 2019

The search fields overlap when the details section in the Details Panel is dragged up as high as possible. This also occurs when when the Details Panel is compressed. Found in 4.23.1 CL#9631420 ...

Show collision command turns on lights that have 'Visibility' set to false

UE - Graphics Features - Dec 2, 2019

Running the console command "Show Collision" when lights are placed in the scene with "Visibility" off results in the lights turning back on. Tested in: 4.22.3 CL#7053642 , 4.24.P4 CL#10387632, 4 ...

Crash to desktop after creating Level Sequence with Widget Blueprint

Tools - Nov 30, 2019

Newly created Level Sequence assets cant be opened when they have been created via Editor Blueprint Widget. They are created successfully through a button click for instance, but when you try to ope ...

Resetting the RGB values of a Sky Atmosphere's Absorption

Tools - Nov 27, 2019

Resetting the RGB values of the Absorption to a Sky Atmosphere using the 'reset to default' arrow still appears after pressed. Tested in: 4.25 CL#10387577 ...

It may be possible to send an actor RPC before successful replication of the actor

UE - Networking - Nov 27, 2019

It was reported on UDN that it's possible to receive an RPC for an actor before the actor itself has replicated. The net driver tries to prevent this possibility by calling ReplicateActor in UNetDri ...

SynthComponent does not execute OnStop() after calling Stop()

UE - Audio - Nov 26, 2019

SynthComponent does not execute OnStop() after calling Stop(). OnStop() will be called in PumpPendingMessages() via OnGeneratePCMAudio(). But after stopping the AudioComponent, the procedural Sound ...

Screen space reflection flickering

UE - Graphics Features - Nov 26, 2019

Flickering is occuring when using a reflection material with screen space reflection enabled. Did not start occuring until 4.19 and beyond.  Tested in: 4.23.1 CL#9631420, 4.24 P3 CL#10283392, 4 ...

Constraining aspect ratio of cine camera with post process material attached causes rendering issue

UE - Graphics Features - Nov 25, 2019

Applying a PP material that uses absolute world position to a cine camera using "constrain aspect ratio" causes rendering issue. Note: Changing the film back settings on the camera also results in ...