CrashReportClientEditor crashes when starting Unreal Engine

UE - Foundation - Core - CrashReportClient - Jul 21, 2020

ChaosDestructionDemo packages cannot be created in 4.25.1

UE - Simulation - Physics - Jul 17, 2020

Chaos Destruction's PIE startup time increased several times from 4.23.1 to 4.25.1.

UE - Simulation - Physics - Jul 17, 2020

In response, the licensee asks the following questions.Are there any plans for improvement?Is there a workaround? ...

Flickering artifacts are rendered when using Sky Atmosphere Component with Vulkan

UE - Rendering Architecture - RHI - Jul 16, 2020

Rendering the SkyAtmopshere component using Vulkan with and without Vulkan (SM5) enabled causes artifacts to appear on screen on Windows and Linux.  This was reported and tested in 4.25.1 (CL-135 ...

A hidden dedicated server is launched when playing as client

UE - Networking - Jul 15, 2020

When we play in editor with the Play Net Mode set to Play as Client, a hidden dedicated server is launched. Previously in 4.24 the dedicated server would always launch with a visible command window. ...

Weird reflection pixels of translucent objects with Ray Tracing Reflection

UE - Graphics Features - Lumen - Jul 15, 2020

[Image Removed] ...

Crash after setting material of Text Render actor to an instance of the default material

UE - Graphics Features - Jul 15, 2020

Setting the material of Text Render to an instance of the default material then running as in Standalone results in a crash. ...

Nodes of inherited function don't refresh automatically in the opened BP editor if implemented interface is altered

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Jul 14, 2020

Nodes of inherited function don't refresh automatically in the opened BP editor if implemented interface is changed.Workaround: refresh nodes manually Regression: NO Can be reproduced on the 4.25.1 ...

[CrashReport] UE4Editor-D3D12RHI!static void SetRayTracingHitGroup(class FD3D12CommandContext & const, class FD3D12RayTracingShaderTable *,

UE - Rendering Architecture - RHI - Jul 14, 2020

Generated from CrashReporter Error Message: Unhandled Exception: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION reading address 0x00000088 User message (Aritzia_Bistro.log): datasmith re-import ...