Image appears upside down when using Export Render Target on Android

UE - Platform - Mobile - Oct 16, 2020

Image appears to be upside down Bug was checked on production, engine version 4.25.3 and is NOT reproducible  Regression = yes ...

Ray Tracing Translucency - Sample settings have no effect

UE - Graphics Features - Lumen - Oct 15, 2020

Ray tracing translucency samples per pixel settings have no visible effect.  Reported and tested in version 4.25.3(CL 13942748). Tested and found in versions 4.25.3 and 4.26.0 Preview 2(CL 14419252 ...

Crash on opening Sequence Director for Level Sequence

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Oct 15, 2020

Within the project attached, the Sequence Director can not be opened for the Level Sequence "SkateReel Sequencer Crash." The user reports being able to open the Sequence Director prior to copying an ...

Animations reset when properties are edited in the details panel and auto-key is turned off

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Oct 15, 2020

When adjusting properties from the details panel, if auto-key is off, animations will reset. In related cases, components can lose their binding, and their properties will turn red. It may be that t ...

Localization working only in Standalone, Changes default language in Viewport

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Localization - Oct 15, 2020

Localization is unintentionally changing UE default language to pt-BR when in viewport. This results in having to Stop, repeat steps, and select en to reset language to en. It does not change langua ...

Failing to compile global shaders with OpenGL4 enabled

UE - Rendering Architecture - RHI - Oct 13, 2020

OpenGL is supported but deprecated in 4.26 OpenGL4 is deprecated, you can comment this back in to add it to your targeted RHI list If you comment this back out you can package for Linux without an i ...

Ray traced shadows appear even after the mesh is hidden

UE - Graphics Features - Lumen - Oct 13, 2020

bCastHiddenShadow flag in UPrimitiveComponent doesn't affect ray tracing shadows ...

Crash enabling Stochastic Rect Light with Ray Tracing

UE - Graphics Features - Lumen - Oct 13, 2020

Enabling Stochastic Rect Lights with Ray Tracing causes the project to crash. Reported and tested in version 4.26.0(CL 14419252). Tested and not found in version 4.25.3(CL 13942748).  ...

Lighting channels not working as expected when enabling Ray Tracing Shadow

UE - Graphics Features - Lumen - Oct 13, 2020

Non-Ray Tracing Shadows are only cast from lights on meshes assigned to the same Lighting Channel. When enabling Ray Tracing Shadows this is not the case. Lights will still cast Ray Tracing Shadows ...

Inherited Skeletal Mesh Components do not work for Mapping Control Rig Component

UE - Anim - Rigging - Control Rig - Oct 12, 2020

Control Rig Component does not work with inhereited Skeletal Mesh Components. They only work with non inhereited Skeletal Mesh Components. [Link Removed] ...