IsDataValid is not called on components inherited via the Simple Construction Script

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Oct 7, 2021

IsDataValid is not called for components inherited via a parent's SCS. I've attached a small repro project. (4.27) ...

I get a compile error when using Particle SubUV nodes and tessellation.

UE - Niagara - Oct 6, 2021

I think tessellation will be discontinued in the future, but I will report it just in case. The licensee is not keen on fixing this problem. ...

Decal of Emissive is not displayed on thumbnail.

UE - Graphics Features - Oct 6, 2021

Inaccurate Panning on Tap Delay Submix

UE - Audio - Oct 5, 2021

The panning in the Tap Delay Submix Effect does not always match its assigned Pan in Degrees value. Specifically, the left and right side appear to be reversed on Stereo setups. In addition, in 5.1 ...

ETraceTypeQuery and EObjectTypeQuery not fully exposed to Python

UE - Editor - Workflow Systems - Oct 5, 2021

The ETraceTypeQuery and EObjectTypeQuery enums declared in EngineTypes.h aren't fully exposed to Python. Both enums have 32 entries, but Python is only aware of the first 2 for ETraceTypeQuery and t ...

When CascadeToNiagara, the Disable state of Emitter is not converted properly.

UE - Niagara - Oct 5, 2021

In # copy the emitter enabled state. enabled = ue_fx_utils.get_lod_level_is_enabled(cascade_emitter_lod) niagara_emitter_context.set_enabled(enabled) It stores the ...

Jittering appears when setting DOF in ES3.1

UE - Platform - Mobile - Oct 5, 2021

For reference, it was fine in 4.24 In particular, jittering is severe when the camera is moving. GaussianHalfRes has been removed in CL 14036168, which is likely to cause degradation issues if int ...