Grass does not show up when I override the Material of LandscapeComponent.

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Landscape - Sep 8, 2021

Regression checked in //UE4/Release-4.26.2 CL 15973114 the issue is not reproduced thee ...

ODSC - Launching a newly created project via UnrealFrontend fails to load some materials and crashes

UE - Rendering Architecture - Materials - Sep 6, 2021

The same repro steps on 4.26.2 will launch the project successfully. Packaging a project once to create complete ShaderMaps will work around the issue. ...

HiResScreenshot has incorrect masking when screenshot resolution scale does not match the viewport.

UE - Rendering Architecture - RHI - Sep 6, 2021

After a bit of investigation, the way to fix this would be to modify MergeMaskIntoAlpha to pass in the actual resolution scale and the requested size, and only mask the overlapping pixels. Currently ...

Android Vulkan SM5 crash at startup

UE - Platform - Mobile - Sep 6, 2021

GeometryCaches don't implement CreateHitProxies to create a unique hitproxy per section/material

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Datasmith - Sep 3, 2021

This causes the ObjectId pass in MRQ to fail to distinguish between materials in the resulting Cryptomatte file. It looks like FGeometryCacheSceneProxy doesn't implement CreateHitProxies so it's f ...

APlayerController::FlushPressedKeys is (incorrectly?) called when the client viewport loses focus.

UE - Gameplay - Input - Sep 3, 2021

When focus changes an IE_Released event occurs for the W key (your character stops moving) due to UGameViewportClient::LostFocus calling APlayerController::FlushPressedKeys. Because of the R key pre ...

[Dynamics Processor][Audio Bus Sidechain] - Audio Bus Sidechain doesn't function the second time a sound is triggered

UE - Audio - Audio Bus - Sep 2, 2021

Retriggering a sound using an Audio Bus as a sidechain on a Dynamics processor seems to not uses the sidechain. The sidechain will start working again if it's reset on the Dynamics Processor effect ...

Fatal Error: FMallocBinned2 Attempt to realloc an unrecognized block when exiting a packaged game that has the Bink Media plugin enabled

RAD - Bink Video - Sep 2, 2021

When exiting a packaged project with the Bink Media plugin enabled, a fatal error is shown. This does not occur in packaged projects without the Bink Media plugin enabled. The Bink Media plugin doe ...

Splitscreen View2 influences translucency in view 1

UE - Graphics Features - Sep 2, 2021

The videos + screenshots in the zip file show the issue on the modified gun sight. The licensee has provided a suggested fix here -[Link Removed] ...

>1ms increase in frame time with showflag.translucency , despite minimal translucency in the scene

UE - Graphics Features - Sep 2, 2021

Licensee reports this change, and can confirm a very rough similarity observed in a template project in 4.27: [Image Removed] ...