[Soundfield Submix][Crash] - Unreal Ambisonics Crashes on Packaged Game and in Standalone

UE - Audio - Submixes - Jan 11, 2021

Issue was reported by a user on the Unreal Engine forms. I tried to package the game with the other encoding options and this appears specific to using the Unreal Ambisonics option.  I have only co ...

'Force Volumetric' property broken on instanced static meshes

UE - Graphics Features - Jan 11, 2021

Regular static meshes work expectedly with Force Volumetric however instanced static meshes do not. ...

Add Submix Effect Blueprint Does Not Have Any Effect

UE - Audio - Dec 11, 2020

Adding a second effect to the Submix Effect Chain on a Submix works as expected, but when trying to add a Submix Effect via Blueprint, there is no effect.  This also applies to "Add Master Submix Ef ...

Blueprint Editor Show Grid does not toggle the grid in the viewport

UE - Editor - Workflow Systems - Oct 28, 2020

The grid in the blueprint editor is not able to be hidden via the Show Grid flag in the viewport dropdown. This has regressed sometime in //Ue4/Release-4.25 as I cannot reproduce this issue in //UE4 ...

Scaling and rotation modes of the gizmo should be disabled in Paper2D Sprite Editor for vertexes

UE - Gameplay - Paper2D - Sep 23, 2020

The modes are useless and should be disabled while the vertex(es) is(are) selected. The same behavior in Edit Collision and Edit RenderGeom modes. I've checked it in 4.25.3. Probably, this bug exis ...

[CrashReport] UE4Editor-D3D11RHI!static void TerminateOnDeviceRemoved(HRESULT, struct ID3D11Device *) [D3D11Util.cpp:160]

UE - Rendering Architecture - RHI - May 6, 2020

This ticket tracks instances of D3DHung crashes now that Aftermath has been enabled in 4.25.0. [Link Removed] was marked fixed and closed with the enabling of Aftermath. Error Messages: Fatal err ...

Changing a Niagara System Component's Override Parameter in a parent BP does not change the value in the child BP

UE - Niagara - Jan 30, 2020

Changing a Niagara System Component's Override Parameter in a parent BP does not change the value in the child BP ...

Using OnlineSubsystemGoogle cause ITMS-90809 warning when uploading iOS build to AppStoreConnect

UE - Online - Jan 16, 2020

Because the OnlineSubsystemGoogle for iOS use old GoogleSigninSDK(Ver4.x), when uploading the iOS build to AppStoreConnect, ITMS-90809 (using a deprecated UIWebView) will be issued. To fix this, we ...

tvOS encounters failure to read save file when loading saved level

UE - Platform - Mobile - Nov 20, 2019

When load is called user encounters: [UE4] [2019.11.20-23.42.09:282][575]LogStreaming: Warning: Failed to read file '../../../QAGame/Saved/SaveGames/TestSlot.sav' error. The integer value does not ...

The Brush Clip doesn't slice in othrographic view

UE - LD & Modeling - Modeling Tools - BSP - Jun 20, 2019

Brush clip slicing doesn't work whenever slicing in Left sided Othrographic view mode. Tested in 4.21.2 (CL - 4753647), 4.22.3 (CL - 7053647),  4.23 (CL - 6837701), 4.24 (CL - 7095658) ...