The licensee has shared the following workaround for modifying NiagaraMeshVertexFactory.ush. struct FVertexFactoryInterpolantsVSToPS { TANGENTTOWORLD_INTERPOLATOR_BLOCK #if USE_PARTICLE_SUBU ...
If an actor moves behind the camera while being tracked for focus, the focus plane moves back away from the lens the same distance the actor moves behind the camera. This leads to undesirable behav ...
Focus tracking calculation is off for keeping focus sharp on tracked object when object moves away from center of camera lens ...
I would like to be able to do the following blueprint code in python. [Image Removed] The getDataTableRow function is not exposed to python. Engine\Source\Editor\BlueprintGraph\Private\K2Node_ ...
IsDataValid is not called for components inherited via a parent's SCS. I've attached a small repro project. (4.27) ...
I think tessellation will be discontinued in the future, but I will report it just in case. The licensee is not keen on fixing this problem. ...
The panning in the Tap Delay Submix Effect does not always match its assigned Pan in Degrees value. Specifically, the left and right side appear to be reversed on Stereo setups. In addition, in 5.1 ...