Material slot assignment incorrect after mesh reduction completely removes all triangles from a section

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Asset Build - Apr 28, 2022

When mesh reduction results in a section becoming empty, the material slots are incorrectly assigned. e.g. if section 0 gets removed due to it having no triangles after reduction, then its material ...

Child Actor Components do not update their internal properties when applying instance changes to other instances

UE - Gameplay - Components - Apr 14, 2022

Child Actor Components do not update Materials when applying instance changes to other instances. Repro Rate: 3/3 Tested this in //UE4/Release-4.27 @ CL#18319896 and the issue did occur there, it ...

Unable to pass Enum from AnimBP to ControlRig successfully

UE - Anim - Rigging - Control Rig - Apr 7, 2022

ControlRig doesn't work as expected because I can't pass an Enum from AnimBP to ControlRig. If it is a RigElementKey of Struct instead of ERigElementType, it works normally. This is the current wor ...

[Console Commands] - au.debug.sounds.sort priority shows all sounds as priority 1.0 when volume scaling is bypassed or sound is 2D

UE - Audio - Voice Management - Apr 5, 2022

The priority display does not correctly reflect the set priorities of sounds when they are not being attenuated or when Bypass Volume Scale for Priority is Enabled. If a sound is attenuated and scal ...

Asset localization does not work properly for Paper2D related assets such as Flipbook

UE - Foundation - Mar 18, 2022

This issue is resolved by changing Paper2D's LoadingPhase to PostConfigInit, but this is a workaround. We suggest a better long term fix via AssetRegistry changes (see comments). In the default la ...

MaterialExpressionLandscapeLayerBlend with material attributes as inputs, the output material attributes have wrong sizes

UE - Rendering Architecture - Materials - Mar 14, 2022

From the UDN ticket: When using MaterialExpressionLandscapeLayerBlend with material attributes as inputs, the output material attributes have wrong sizes: ie output Normal attribute cannot be conve ...

[Electra] Electra fails to play video after the second time with the fast Vsync option via NVIDIA control panel

Media Framework - Mar 3, 2022

It seems to be a NVIDIA's driver-side issue.  ( Driver version is 511.79. ) The users can avoid the error by canceling the fast VSYNC option and reverting to the default VSYNC setting. Alternative ...

FEditorFileUtils::SaveCurrentLevel returns true even when it fails

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - Feb 25, 2022

In FEditorFileUtils::SaveCurrentLevel, we set the default return code as true (success) before checking validity of the current level or seeing if PromptToCheckoutLevels is successful. If we're unab ...

AttachComponentToComponent node does not change the location of a Spawned particle system at runtime

UE - Gameplay - Feb 17, 2022

You can use the "Spawn Emitter Attached" function as a work around ...