Upgrading a project from a binary Engine to one built from source code does not keep the solution configuration and solution platform settings in Visual Studio.

UE - Foundation - Core - Feb 26, 2015

Upgrading a code project created in a binary Engine version to an Engine built from source code results in the solution configuration and solution platform in Visual Studio being set to Debug and Wi ...

Tutorials Window appears after selecting "Don't Remind Me Again"

Docs - Feb 26, 2015

Tutorials window appears after selecting "Don't remind me again" when you right click the icon. See forum URL ...

FOculusRiftHMD::EnablePositionalTracking() may be missing a call to UpdateHmdCaps()

UE - Platform - XR - Feb 26, 2015

A user reported that the FOculusRiftHMD::EnablePositionalTracking() function is missing a call to UpdateHmdCaps() so that the status of the HMD is correctly updated. The user's suggestion for this ...

User crashes during play/save/open project in UE 4.6.1

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Feb 25, 2015

User reports crashing upon open, saving or playing their project in 4.6.1 in Binary. Assertion failed: TargetDelegate [Link Removed] [Line: 5407] ...

TUnion implementation is missing

UE - Foundation - Core - Feb 24, 2015

The implementation for TUnion is commented out (in Union.cpp) causing it to not function properly. DEFINE_LOG_CATEGORY(LogUnion); has to be added to the user's source file for the VS compille to wo ...

Calling StopAnimMontage() on a Character results in all active AnimMontages stopping instead of only the specified one.

OLD - Anim - Feb 24, 2015

In ACharacter::StopAnimMontage(), the call to AnimInstance->Montage_Stop() does not include the parameter identifying which montage needs to stop. It appears that this results in all active AnimMont ...

Crash with assigning APEX Cloth that uses a custom graphical mesh

UE - Simulation - Physics - Feb 24, 2015

When a graphical mesh is used to create a lower LOD for cloth assets and the Cloth FBX has the APB assigned to the material for the cloth there will be a crash. ...

Crash when opening maps and blueprints in user's project

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Feb 23, 2015

Crash when opening maps and blueprints or PIE in user's project. [Link Removed] Possibly related [Link Removed] -30763-strategy.log is the first log, which indicated that the user's custom "Civil ...

Editor Crashes when compiling a 3d widget after adding array variable

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Feb 23, 2015

Editor crashes when user adds array variable (any type) to a 3d widget that is used within a blueprint actor and then compiles the widget. Frequency: 4/4 Crash Reporter: [Link Removed] ...

BeginPlay has inconsistent behavior

Tools - Feb 23, 2015

Certain calls made on Begin Play do not function as expected. Users expect BeginPlay to be called when the game is loaded/playable EX: Using GetViewportSize on begin play will return 0 for X and Y ...