Outside of AnimBP's, Animation Sequences with negative Rate Scales do not animate

OLD - Anim - Mar 20, 2015

Animation Sequences with negative Rate Scales do not play outside of using them in Animation Blueprints...unless they are looping. UPDATE: A negative rate scale value also breaks Anim Montages. ht ...

Calling a function that returns TWeakObjectPtr in blueprints causes crash

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Mar 20, 2015

Calling a code defined function in blueprints that returns a TWeakObjectPtr causes a crash. ...

Variables named PlayerCamera are replaced with PlayerCameraManager in PlayerController BPs

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Mar 19, 2015

Variables named PlayerCamera are being automatically replaced with references to PlayerCameraManager in Player Controller Blueprints. Occurs when you copy+paste a reference (both get and set) to Pl ...

Imported tiled landscapes into World Composition Browser have seams between landscape tiles

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Landscape - Mar 19, 2015

Landscape seams appear between world composition browser imported heightmap tiles. Workaround: Run over seam with smoothing tool set to strength 0.0 ...

Media Sound Wave Does Not Play after Packaging

Tools - Mar 19, 2015

After testing multiple different ways to get a Media Sound Wave to play in sync with the associated Media Player Asset, I feel it is very hard to get the sound to even play. Not mentioning getting i ...

Failure while Cooking FOutputDeviceWindowsError::Serialize()

UE - Foundation - Core - Cooker - Mar 19, 2015

User receives an error while packaging. I haven't been able to reproduce this on my machine with templates I've created. Method to package: File > Package Project > Win64 The logs are attached. ...

Objects do not Scale relative to their Temporary Pivot Point (Alt+MMB Click)

Tools - Mar 19, 2015

After temporarily moving the pivot point (Alt+Middle Mouse Click on the center of the translate tool), you can switch to scale. However, the object still scales from it's original (permanent) pivot ...

Game instance spawning object crashes .exe in packaged project

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Mar 19, 2015

If an actor is spawned using game instance blueprint, a packaged .exe will crash upon loading. Frequency: 2/2 Crash Reporter: [Link Removed] ...

BSP brushes break when non-standard subtractive bsp brushes are used

UE - LD & Modeling - Modeling Tools - BSP - Mar 19, 2015

if a nonstandard bsp brush is used as a subtractive brush, additive bsp brushes will break and show incorrect holes when in contact with the subtractive bsp. ...

'HighResShot 2' is not taking a screenshot for a packaged project

UE - Graphics Features - Mar 19, 2015

When you attempt to take screenshot in a packaged project with the Console Command 'HighResShot 2'. This command works in editor but not in a packaged project. Issue with packaging in Main CL# 248 ...